Tag "IFS"

Quality systems and markings in egg production

The essence of responsible food safety is that only such high quality eggs end up in the freezers of shoppers that have been monitored in each and every phase of...

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(HU) IFS Élelmiszer-biztonsági Konferencia (2016. november 10.)

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(HU) IFS Élelmiszer-biztonsági Konferencia (2016. november 10.)

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The SPAR has earned the highest level of IFS Logistics certificate

SPAR Hungary renewed its quality certification: after last year's successful IFS Logistic certification, the company has fulfilled the requirements of the system on the highest level in May. The quality...

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Food Export Conference in the Ministry of Agriculture

On 13 May 2015, a major Food Export Conference conference will be held in Budapest with the lecturers of the Foreign Trade and Foreign Affairs Ministry, the Ministry of Agriculture,...

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Food Export conference

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