Tag "idénymunkások"

Restrictions on the entry of seasonal agricultural workers in Germany are being relaxed

Restrictions on entry for seasonal agricultural workers in Germany are being eased, with the government on Wednesday deciding that workers from European Union (EU) partner countries will be free to...

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This is how seasonal workers from abroad can work in agriculture

A police decision has been issued on the conditions of entry and exit of seasonal agricultural workers to Hungary, as well as on the rules of their stay and quarantine...

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Foreign seasonal workers can come

The severe labor shortage in horticulture can be resolved in a short time. According to an amendment to a government decree published the other day, seasonal workers can come to...

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In Spain, Asparagus Lies Unpicked As Lockdown Shuts Out Migrant Workers

About half of farmer Jaime Urbina’s asparagus crop lies unpicked in his fields in central Spain as border closures to curb the coronavirus block Eastern European seasonal labourers. Right at peak food-harvesting...

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French people applied for seasonal agricultural work

The French Minister for Agriculture’s call for people on forced leave due to the coronavirus epidemic to “go out to work on land” to help agriculture left without seasonal workers...

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