Tag "húsvét"

Szallas.hu: almost as many people travel at Pentecost as at Easter

Almost as many people travel at Pentecost this year as at Easter, based on Szallas.hu pre-booking data. In a regional summary, Northern Hungary and the Balaton area are the most...

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Foreign tourists don’t often go anywhere else outside of Budapest

March showed a significant increase in Hungarian tourism statistics, mainly due to the early occurrence of the Easter long weekend. Total guest numbers and overnight stays at tourism accommodations saw...

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MTÜ: Easter traffic increased at accommodation facilities

Compared to last year’s holiday long weekend, Easter brought 3 percent more traffic to accommodations this year, the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) told MTI on Thursday. According to the data...

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Easter was favorable for the meat industry

Although the domestic lamb export market developed favorably this year due to the strong Easter and Ramadan holidays, the long-term problems of the lamb sector still exist, overshadowing the positive...

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István Nagy: let’s boldly choose safe, domestic food!

Let’s boldly choose safe, domestic food at Easter too! – says the statement of the Ministry of Agriculture sent to MTI on Saturday, in which they were informed about the...

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Tamás Éder: ham is no longer the star of Easter

The purchase and consumption of ham products in Hungary during the Easter holiday period accounts for 30-40 percent of the annual turnover. This traditional festive period is a significant highlight...

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The discounters reduce the price of Easter ham with imports: what can we expect this year?

As the Easter season approaches, discounters are trying to enter the price competition with imported meat products, especially imported Easter ham. According to the advice of the Meat Association, those...

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Not many stores will be open during the holidays

March 29, Good Friday, will be a public holiday in Hungary according to tradition, so shops will be closed. The holiday weekend begins on this day and continues on Holy...

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The producer price of lamb rose by 16-18 percent

According to data from the European Commission, the European Union’s sheep and goat imports (live animals and meat) were 170,000 tons in 2023, which represents a 3.7 percent increase compared...

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The supply of eggs will be plentiful, according to professional organizations

There will be an abundant supply of eggs in the shops at Easter, but there can be big differences in prices, according to the overview of the National Chamber of...

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Cocoa and sugar price increases: what can we expect in stores before Easter?

In recent months, the price of cocoa and sugar on the international markets has risen significantly, the main reason for which is the problems occurring in the production areas, say...

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The prices of Easter hit items vary widely

As the holidays approached, preparations for Easter began, and store shelves were already covered with products typical of the holiday season. Of course, in addition to ham, smoked knuckles, pre-packaged...

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About seventeen thousand families are supported by Katolikus Karitász’s Easter non-perishable food collection

One hundred and fifty tons of food were collected at the Easter non-perishable food collection initiated by the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference and conducted by Catholic Charity, of which almost...

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Association of Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers: there are challenges in the market

The bite of last year’s inflation also left a deep mark on the confectionery market. While the size of the market increased by 23 percent year-on-year to HUF 381 billion...

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There is no good time for Easter this year, but Auchan is hopeful

Easter has always been considered an indicator by traders, which reliably predicts the annual turnover. There are, of course, influencing factors other than the general economic environment, inflation and consumer...

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Nébih has once again announced the greening of Easter tender

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has once again announced the Easter greening tender in the spirit of conscious holiday preparation, Nébih told MTI on Monday. The announcement was...

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Hungarian lambs are placed on Italian Easter tables

Former head of state János Áder and Italian restaurant owner Gianni Annoni spoke about Italian Easter traditions and sustainability in the latest broadcast of his Blue Planet podcast, published on...

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GVH: families can also save a lot during Easter shopping with the Price Watcher

Families can also save money and time during Easter shopping by using the online Price Watcher, the Economic Competition Authority (GVH) pointed out in a statement on Friday. In the...

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Here are the top 10 game categories for Easter this year

During the spring break, a quarter of families, nine out of ten, travel domestically, the most popular destinations are the settlements on the Lake Balaton, Budapest, Eger, Gyula and Debrecen....

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Lidl is preparing for the Easter period with favorable prices: the prices of more than 600 products are reduced

Lidl is once again preparing for the Easter period with favorable prices and numerous sales, in the framework of which the price of more than 600 products will be reduced....

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PENNY is waiting for customers with such promotions on the occasion of Easter

In the weekly promotion of PENNY Hungary between March 21 and March 28, you can now buy the ingredients of the holiday menu at a discount of up to 40%....

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Meat association: the majority of meat processors expect turnover to exceed last year

Before this year’s Easter season, there was no significant increase in the price of raw materials, so meat processors expect at least a turnover similar to last year, most of...

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Let’s choose domestic Easter ham!

Domestic meat industry enterprises are preparing for the Easter season with high-quality products again this year. Customers can choose from a wide range of products, so everyone can find the...

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Easter price drop: holiday products are up to 30% cheaper than a year ago

The prices of the most popular and popular products on the festive table this Easter season are significantly lower than in 2023. The price drop primarily affects goods procured from...

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Research: we fear bad Easter ham

For Hungarians, Easter is still considered a holiday celebrated at home, with family, of which traditional foods, such as Easter ham, are an essential part. The representative research commissioned by...

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This is how PENNY’s opening hours will change in the coming period

PENNY stores in Hungary will be closed on Friday, March 15, as well as on Good Friday, March 29, March 31 and April 1, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. It...

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Easter eggs can be a third cheaper than last year

By Easter, the average consumer price of eggs can be around HUF 60, which means that customers can get one of the essential staple foods for the holiday a third...

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Lamb is expensive, but increasingly popular

Easter is approaching, and in addition to the traditional hits – ham and eggs – many Hungarians also have lamb on their tables. But what is behind the domestic lamb...

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Easter eggs can be a third cheaper than last year

By Easter, the average consumer price of eggs can be around HUF 60, which means that customers can get one of the essential staple foods for the holiday one third...

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KITKAT Easter selection

The KITKAT brand’s Easter selection is getting bigger every year. This year we are launching a limited edition salted caramel flavoured bunny figure, a 45g and a 17g bunny figure,...

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