Tag "Humusz Szövetség"

Hummus Association: here are 7 compelling arguments in favor of reusable packaging

How much water do we save by using more than one-time use packaging? After how many uses does a durable food box become more environmentally friendly compared to a disposable...

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Hárommillió forinttal támogatta idén a rászoruló Alapítványokat a Moments ostya

A Moments ostya igyekszik minden évben segíteni a rászorulókon, az idei év nyereményjátékának keretein belül megvalósuló „Segítő pillanatok” aktivitás büszkén vállalt célja az volt, hogy felhívja a figyelmet, három fantasztikus...

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These could be errors in the new deposit return system

The introduction of the deposit return system in Hungary, which will come into effect on January 1 of next year, brings serious environmental benefits, but also raises potential problems. The...

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One bag completely decomposed in 45 days in an experiment by Greenpeace and the Humus Association

In an experiment launched by Greenpeace and the Humus Association in April, one of the bags purchased in domestic grocery chains and sold as degradable completely decomposed in 45 days,...

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Greenpeace and Humus assess whether the bags sold as degradable actually decompose

Greenpeace Hungary, together with the Humus Association, buried plastic bags purchased from domestic food chains and offered as degradable in the Humus composter to check whether the bags decompose and,...

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Road to zero waste: March 30 is the International World Waste Prevention Day

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has declared March 30 as the International Day for Waste Prevention, which will be held annually from 2023. The Humus Association welcomes the decision...

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The European Waste Reduction Week awards were presented

The State Secretary responsible for the environment and circular economy of the Ministry of Energy (ME) called the transition to a circular economy one of the biggest challenges on Thursday...

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Humus Association: recharging of beverage packaging makes the recycling of PET bottles more efficient

Replacing beverage packaging makes recycling PET bottles more efficient, in part because disposable plastic bottles and metal cans are not mixed with other types of packaging waste, and replacing refillable...

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How to be an environmentally conscious customer?

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic the demand for food has soared. In the first quarter of 2020, the number of online purchases increased by 15 per cent and consumption increased to...

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The amount of garbage in Budapest can be reduced by up to third

One third of the garbage produced by households is organic waste that can be turned into humus by individual and community composting. You can now read more about the propeer...

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Recycling Guide from Nestlé

Nestlé has prepared an easy-to-understand Recycling Guide for consumers, with professional input from the HUMUSZ Association. The publication seeks to improve the working of Hungary’s waste recycling system with practical...

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How to reduce the amount of plastic waste

The average European citizen produces 4.8 tonnes of waste a year, most of which is plastic packaging. As a result, the European Union wants to recycle 65 percent of all...

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