Tag "HR"

Profession.hu: Four out of ten employees expect the home office rules to change

At the national level, three-quarters of Hungarian employees support the home office, regardless of whether it is feasible at all in terms of their own work. However, the possibility of...

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The number of employed people was 4 million 749 thousand, the unemployment rate was 4.3 percent

In May 2024, the average number of employed persons aged 15-74 increased by 36,000 compared to the same period of the previous year, to 4,749,000. The number of unemployed people...

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Sándor Czomba: in May 2024, the number of employed people increased by 36 thousand and the activity continued to expand

Employment and the number of economically active people increased in parallel compared to the same period of the previous year, while the number of registered jobseekers is still at a...

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The University of Debrecen and Hell Energy Hungary cooperate

The Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen and Hell Energy Magyarország Kft. signed a cooperation agreement on Wednesday at the Böszörményi úti Campus of the University of Debrecen....

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PwC: workplace changes encourage employees to develop their skills in the long term

Globally, almost half of employees (45 percent) feel that their workload has increased significantly in the past year, and two-thirds of them feel insecure due to the acceleration of changes...

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Companies don’t really spend much on corporate health

Róbert Lancz and János Kóka, the presidents of the board and supervisory board of the private healthcare provider Doktor24, recently gave an interview to the trade magazine Economx. During the...

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BusinessEurope is holding its summit in Budapest

The European Employers’ Association, BusinessEurope, will hold the Council of Presidents meeting in Budapest on June 27-28 – the National Association of Employers and Manufacturers (MGYOSZ) informed MTI on Monday....

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Social responsibility and billions in savings – employment of people with disabilities creates value

Every year, domestic enterprises pay almost HUF 200 billion as a rehabilitation contribution to the state coffers, since the proportion of employees with disabilities does not reach five percent. According...

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How do factories solve seasonal labor shortages?

In Hungary, the rules prescribed by the Labor Code apply to employees in the company’s own staff and temporary workers, including foreigners, when granting holidays. From an HR point of...

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According to forecasts, 300,000 people may be missing from the Hungarian labor market by 2030

At a recent conference held by the Employers and Industrialists National Association (MGYOSZ), Sándor Czomba, State Secretary of the Ministry of National Economy, reported that Hungary could face a shortage...

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WHC: The employment of atypical workers in the market environment with a shortage of labor entails a significant opportunity

Hungary has an exceptionally high employment rate within the European Union, however, the labor shortage greatly complicates the situation of companies. The employment of atypical workers and third-country nationals can...

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Manpower: Following the recovery of the economy, more and more companies are again planning to increase their staff

According to a recent forecast by Manpower for Q3 2024, Hungarian employers are increasingly optimistic about hiring, with 37% planning to expand their workforce, up 6 percentage points from the...

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Manpower: 37 percent of employers plan to increase their workforce in the third quarter

37 percent of Hungarian employers plan to expand their workforce in the third quarter, after 31 percent measured in the previous quarter, the proportion of companies planning downsizing rose from...

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In Hungary, more than 50% of HR experts support the use of artificial intelligence

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Report on the FIVOSZ HR conference

Only personalized and experience-based workplaces are able to retain the valuable workforce in the long term – it was said at the Fivosz HR conference, where the answer to what...

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These are the latest Home Office trends

In recent years, home furnishing habits have been thoroughly rewritten, since with hybrid working we also had to make room for a new living space: the home office. Nowadays, it...

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Analysis: Fewer and fewer people go to work for eight hours a day

It is an increasingly common phenomenon that companies do not employ their employees in the usual, eight-hour-a-day, local work, but in an alternative way. The spread of atypical work was...

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More than HUF 300 million in support for the summer student work program in Békés county

This year, more than 1,500 full-time students and university students between the ages of 16 and 25 can undertake summer student work in July-August in Békés County; for the implementation...

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“Employer Branding: the love of marketing and HR”…

In June, the first joint employer branding conference of the Hungarian Marketing Association and Marketing Art was held under the title “employer branding in the age of AI and GenZs”....

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It turned out what is most stressful for manual workers

In the lives of Hungarian physical workers, satisfaction and fear are present at the same time – states the representative research prepared at the request of Pannon-Work Zrt. The survey...

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Dreamy – sonorous headline, or does it really exist?

In a dream workplace, we feel good most of the time, we are valued financially and professionally, we are entrusted with tasks that match our abilities, and our personal life...

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This year, student workers can expect a gross hourly wage of 1,500-2,500

Only a few more weeks and the summer vacation is here, which for thousands of students would mean cloudless freedom and study-free weekdays. But there are people who want to...

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Equal opportunities and inclusion in the strategy of the company’s Hungarian member companies

Inclusion, diversity, equal opportunities – these days, they are unavoidable aspects in the operation of a company. While at some companies this may be exhausted by loud words, KPMG has...

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Is the work of food couriers turning into an employment relationship?

Az Európai Parlament 2024. április 24-én elfogadta a platformalapú munkavégzés munkakörülményeinek javításáról szóló irányelvét. Ez egy nagy fejlemény az európai uniós jogalkotásban, melyet dr. Szemán Péter, a Bán, S. Szabó,...

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5 things that we could easily digitize at work right now

Gone are the days when all contracts and invoices had to be delivered to the target person on a paper basis, by post, and for some time we have also...

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Profession.hu: According to Hungarians, commuting is better now than 6 years ago

According to a significant majority of Hungarian workers, in addition to salary, the distance from their place of residence is the most important factor when looking for a new job....

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Summer seasonal jobs have started

With the approach of summer, the time for seasonal jobs has also arrived: during this period, the number of casual work opportunities increases several times. Due to the tax benefits...

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Support for rural restaurants is starting

With the approach of summer, the time for seasonal jobs has also arrived: during this period, the number of casual work opportunities increases several times. Due to the tax benefits...

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Profession: Communication is key to retaining employees returning after childbirth

In Hungary, returning to the labor market after maternity leave was a challenge for the majority of the women involved, according to the Profession.hu survey. In many cases, employers do...

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Automatic labor advance becomes available

MagNet Faktor in partnership with Kulcs-Soft provides a new service called Automatic Labor Advance System (AMBER). With the help of the new solution, employees of companies that use payroll software...

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