Tag "Horvátország"

Tourism in Croatia broke all records in Croatia

In the first eight months of the year, tourism in Croatia broke all records: 15 million domestic and foreign visitors spent 85 million guest nights in the country, the previous...

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Changes in Croatia

This year Croatian supermarket chain Konzum will close 80-100 stores. The company’s spokesperson told: every year they close some of the stores that don’t perform well, but this year’s restructuring...

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The number of tourists in Croatia increased by 22 percent in the first half of the year

In the first half of the year, the number of tourists grew by 22 percent and the number of guest nights grew by 23 percent in Croatia over the same...

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Google: The Hungarians are mostly interested in Italy

In the first quarter of this year, most of the Hungarians were googled Italy, followed by Spain and Austria. The Hungarians googled London the most among the cities followed by...

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Underwater winery opened in Croatia

Croatia’s first underwater winery was opened in the Peljesac Peninsula, between Ston and Orepic. The winery offers 700 days matured wines to the guests under the sea. The bottles are...

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Spar buys Billa in Croatia

The Croatian competition authority gave a green light to Spar Austria’s acquisition of Billa supermarkets. Combined market share of the two chains will stay below 10 percent. After the merger...

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A restaurant in Rovinj received the first Michelin star of Croatia

The Monte in Rovinj,Croatia, set on the coast of the Istrian peninsula, is the first restaurant in Croatia to receive a Michelin star. The restaurant’s momentous accolade was announced yesterday,...

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The number of Hungarian tourists broke a record in Croatia

Breaking all previous records 513 thousand Hungarian tourists visited Croatia last year, where they spent 2.753 million guest nights – the Croatian National Tourist Board informed MTI on Wednesday. Marin...

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Hungarians travelers will brake a record to Croatia this year

By mid-September more Hungarian tourists have visited Croatia than last year and the number of Hungarians guest nights also exceeded the full-year data of 2015 – Marin Skenderovic Head of...

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Hungarians traveling to Croatia choose the beach

There is a growing interest towards Croatian tourist facilities, 5-6 percent growth was measured in June from all sending countries – Marin Skenderovic, leader of the Croatian National Tourist Board...

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After last year's record the number of Hungarian tourists continued to increase in Croatia

In the first four months of the year, the number of Hungarian tourists has increased in Croatia after last year's 20-year record – the Croatian National Tourist Board informed MTI...

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Croatia would revive tourism with traveler's check

Croatia would revive tourism with traveler's check similar to the Hungarian traveler's check the Széchenyi Rest Card. Anton Kliman Croatian tourism minister and Bienerth Gusztáv Government Commissioner for Hungarian tourism...

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A record number of Hungarians visited Croatia last year

Almost 465 thousand Hungarian tourists spent almost 2.5 million nights in Croatia last year, according to the final data – the Croatian National Tourist Board told MTI on Thursday .Marin...

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A record number of Hungarian tourists visited Croatia last year

A record number of Hungarian tourists visited Croatia last year, more than 470 thousand Hungarian guests spent more than 2.5 million nights in Croatia in 2015 – the Croatian National...

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Hungarian tourism broke a record in Croatia

The Hungarian tourists spent more than 2.4 million guest nights in Croatia this year breaking a 20 year record – Marin Skenderovic informed MTI on Thursday. The head of Croatian...

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Foreign tourists who asks for an invoice can win in Croatia

The Croatian Ministry of Finance announced a prize winning game for foreign tourists called “Give me the bill,” reported the 24sata Croatian daily newspaper. The foreign tourists, who are on...

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The number of Hungarian tourists is growing the fastest in Croatia

The number of Hungarian tourists and guest nights increased by almost one-fifth in Croatia in July this year compared with a year before. This is the largest growth in terms...

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The number of Hungarian tourists is steadily rising in Croatia

In the first six months of the year, the data of the Hungarian visitors is among the three fastest-rising countries in the number of guests and the time spent. The...

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Hungarian melon in the SPARs in Slovenia and Croatia

Thanks to the contribution of SPAR Magyarország, the authentic Hungarian melon flavor can be enjoyed in Slovenia and Croatia this summer. As the season starts, the EURO TÉSZ Kft. begins...

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The system of online cash registers has increased the declared revenues in Croatia

The introduction of the system of online cash registers in 2013 more than doubled the amount of revenues previously declared by the traders and entrepreneurs – Boris Lalovac Croatian Finance...

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An increasing number of Hungarian tourists are traveling to Croatia

During the first five months of 2015, the number of Hungarian tourists show the fastest growth in Croatia, after the tourists of Germany, South Korea and the United States –...

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British American Tobacco is expanding in Croatia

One of the biggest companies in Croatia, the Adris Group, on Monday announced that it has sold its subsidiary, the Tobacco Factory Rovinj, TDR, to British American Tobacco (BAT) for...

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Excise duty on tobacco products increases in Croatia

On Thursday, the Croatian government decided to increase the excise tax on fuel and tobacco products. The price of gasoline and diesel fuel may increase by 25 lipas (10 HUF)...

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Hungary is the privileged partner of the Croatian Viroexpo

Hungary is the privileged partner of the 20th Viroexpo international fair, which was opened on Friday in Verőce – the Hungarian Embassy told MTI. Fifty-one Hungarian companies participate at the...

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