Tag "Haleon"

It affects at least 1.4 million people in Hungary, and we don’t even have a word for it

Hungarian society is aging and is not prepared for this process. The proportion of people over 50 already exceeds 40 percent, but most of them do not know how to...

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Haleon Pakistan To Manufacture Centrum Multivitamins

Haleon Pakistan plans to start manufacturing multivitamin brand Centrum in the country for domestic sales and export, its CEO said, as it seeks to boost sales in the country amid...

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Haleon to sell nicotine replacement therapy business outside US for $633 mln

Haleon will sell its nicotine replacement therapy business outside the U.S. to a unit of India’s Dr. Reddy’s for 500 million pounds ($632.55 million), the British consumer healthcare company said...

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Tesco teams up with suppliers to tackle hygiene poverty

Tesco has again joined forced with its suppliers from well-known household brands such as Andrex, Aquafresh, Bodyform, Radox, Sure and Wilkinson Sword to distribute millions of personal care items to...

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A higiénia elhanyagolása ellen fogott össze az Unilever és a Tesco

Az Unilever a Kimberly-Clarkkal, az Essityvel, a Haleonnal és a Tescóval összefogva igyekszik a higiénia elhanyagolása ellen tenni az Egyesült Királyságban. Október 3-áig a négy vállalat egy-egy higiéniai terméket (sampont,...

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