Tag "gyümölcs"

(HU) A legebb gyümölcsök – A nap videója

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Hungarian quick-frozen vegetables and fruits are increasingly popular both at home and abroad

The demand for Hungarian quick-frozen vegetables and fruits is significant both domestically and abroad. Lidl Hungary has sold more than 40 thousand tons of domestic quick-frozen products in the past...

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Fruit sales are booming in supermarket chains

With the arrival of the cold months, vitamin supplementation becomes crucial not only for health preservation, but also for protecting our wallets. The demand for fresh vegetables and fruits increases...

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Bananas are in danger: diseases and climatic changes threaten one of the world’s most popular fruits

Global warming and weather extremes are seriously affecting banana cultivation, which is one of the dominant agricultural sectors in tropical regions. However, in addition to the weather challenges, another, at...

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Tax evading vegetable and fruit traders were caught by the tax inspectors

Traders selling vegetables and fruit imported from Greece without paying the sales tax were caught by the tax inspectors at the wholesale market in Szeged – the press representative of...

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Three out of four Hungarians only taste flawless fruit

There are still people who throw away food without remorse – STADA points out on the occasion of World Food Waste Day on September 29. Based on the data of...

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This way the autumn fruit stays fresh for a long time

In the autumn season, we come across an abundance of different fruits on store shelves, but it is not always easy to determine which fruit is ripe and ready to...

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Fruit growing is in crisis: There is no supply and rising costs are affecting the sector

Across Europe, fewer and fewer people see the future in fruit growing, which has serious consequences for the sector. Farmers are getting old, and in many cases there is no...

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DélKerTÉSZ: A record amount of Hungarian vegetables entered the store chains

Even more than before, Hungarians pay more attention to the price and quantity of vegetables and fruits they buy, so promotions continue to play an important role – according to...

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Moldova’s fruit exports are getting stronger: in competition with Hungarian producers?

Moldova’s fruit production, especially the export of apricots, plays an increasingly important role in the markets of the European Union. The country’s natural features favor agricultural production, and an association...

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Raspberries may disappear, bananas will grow, and there will be new pets in Hungarian agriculture

The situation in the Carpathian Basin is worrying due to climate change. Plant species that once felt comfortable in the area may disappear, but now the climate is not suitable...

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Hungarian fruit growing faces serious challenges

Hungarian fruit growing faces a difficult and uncertain period, which is primarily determined by problems caused by climate change, labor shortages and the aging of plantations, said Ferenc Apáti, president...

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György Raskó: there won’t be enough apples even for domestic consumption

This year, significantly fewer apples will be harvested in Hungary than last year: the harvest will decrease by around 150,000 tons, which portends serious supply problems. The domestic harvest will...

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The harvest starts earlier: we can expect a weaker apple yield in Hungary this year

This year, the harvest can start earlier than ever before in domestic apple orchards, especially in Hungary’s largest growing region, the county of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, where the purchase of fresh apples...

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Five seasonal fruits worth tasting with bacon

Opposites attract each other – says the old truth, and it is the same in gastronomy. An entire Asian culinary art is based on the pairing of sweet and sour,...

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This is how you should buy peaches at a good price

One of the most popular fruits of the summer, the peach, is available in a wide variety, but the prices can differ significantly depending on where you buy it –...

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Nature is in a hurry: the berry season starts earlier

As a result of this year’s warm winter and mild spring, nature woke up early and the season of most fruit varieties started about 10-14 days earlier than usual. This...

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All seasonal fruits are cheaper than they were at this time last year

According to the report of the Institute of Agricultural Economics, seasonal fruits are cheaper compared to last year, and the majority of vegetables did not increase in price based on...

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AKI: seasonal fruits are cheaper compared to last year

Seasonal fruits are cheaper compared to last year, most of the vegetables did not become more expensive based on wholesale market prices – read the latest report of the Agricultural...

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From autumn, MATE will start specialized further training for fruit and vegetable processing engineers and consultants

In September, the Institute of Food Science and Technology, located on the Buda Campus of the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, welcomes those interested in fruit and vegetable...

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Professional organizations: no one should bring plants, seeds, or fruits home from a vacation outside the European Union

The National Chamber of Agriculture, the National Food Chain Safety Office, the Interprofessional Association of Hungarian Ornamental Gardeners and the FruitVeB Hungarian Vegetable and Fruit Product Council advise travelers to...

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Nine out of ten Hungarians do not eat enough vegetables and fruits

Only 10% of us eat the amount of vegetables and fruit recommended by the World Health Organization, i.e. at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruit per day, according to...

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Fruit growers cannot rest completely yet

By the second half of April, the flowering of fruit trees in Hungary has finished, indicating that nature is significantly ahead compared to previous years. As a result of the...

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This year’s fruit crop is in danger because of the frosts

Temperatures corresponding to the first half of April will remain, and at night, weak frosts will threaten the fruit harvest in the frost-prone areas, HungaroMet Zrt. wrote in its agrometeorological...

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European fruit and vegetable growers joined together for European products

European fruit and vegetable growers joined together and launched a campaign to protect the internal markets of the European Union. The main goal of the initiative is to encourage customers...

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Nébih: hundreds of propagating materials for fruit planting were destroyed by the inspectors at the Ónod market

The spring inspection of the sale of grape and fruit propagating materials continued, during the action held at the Ónod National Animal and Exhibition Fair, the inspectors had to destroy...

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We can’t expect much good on the grape front this year

This year has once again brought worrying variability for grape growers, who had to face the challenges of the weather. As in previous years, there were many anomalies in the...

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From 2024, March 25 is the day of Hungarian fruit landscape varieties

Preserving the genetic diversity of our cultivated crops is in the fundamental interest of domestic agriculture. These include the fruit landscape varieties that have long been present in the Carpathian...

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Are there really many chemicals in Hungarian food?

Consumers have always demanded cheap, high-quality and preferably chemical-free vegetables and fruits. However, this is often a challenge for agribusiness actors: creating a balance between increasing production efficiency, keeping prices...

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NAK: as spring approaches, more and more domestic vegetables are available in stores

Starting from the early spring period, more and more domestic vegetables are entering the shops and Hungarian goods are taking the place of imports – it is clear from the...

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