Tag "gyümölcs"

Nature is in a hurry: the berry season starts earlier

As a result of this year’s warm winter and mild spring, nature woke up early and the season of most fruit varieties started about 10-14 days earlier than usual. This...

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All seasonal fruits are cheaper than they were at this time last year

According to the report of the Institute of Agricultural Economics, seasonal fruits are cheaper compared to last year, and the majority of vegetables did not increase in price based on...

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AKI: seasonal fruits are cheaper compared to last year

Seasonal fruits are cheaper compared to last year, most of the vegetables did not become more expensive based on wholesale market prices – read the latest report of the Agricultural...

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From autumn, MATE will start specialized further training for fruit and vegetable processing engineers and consultants

In September, the Institute of Food Science and Technology, located on the Buda Campus of the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, welcomes those interested in fruit and vegetable...

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Professional organizations: no one should bring plants, seeds, or fruits home from a vacation outside the European Union

The National Chamber of Agriculture, the National Food Chain Safety Office, the Interprofessional Association of Hungarian Ornamental Gardeners and the FruitVeB Hungarian Vegetable and Fruit Product Council advise travelers to...

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Nine out of ten Hungarians do not eat enough vegetables and fruits

Only 10% of us eat the amount of vegetables and fruit recommended by the World Health Organization, i.e. at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruit per day, according to...

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Fruit growers cannot rest completely yet

By the second half of April, the flowering of fruit trees in Hungary has finished, indicating that nature is significantly ahead compared to previous years. As a result of the...

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This year’s fruit crop is in danger because of the frosts

Temperatures corresponding to the first half of April will remain, and at night, weak frosts will threaten the fruit harvest in the frost-prone areas, HungaroMet Zrt. wrote in its agrometeorological...

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European fruit and vegetable growers joined together for European products

European fruit and vegetable growers joined together and launched a campaign to protect the internal markets of the European Union. The main goal of the initiative is to encourage customers...

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Nébih: hundreds of propagating materials for fruit planting were destroyed by the inspectors at the Ónod market

The spring inspection of the sale of grape and fruit propagating materials continued, during the action held at the Ónod National Animal and Exhibition Fair, the inspectors had to destroy...

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We can’t expect much good on the grape front this year

This year has once again brought worrying variability for grape growers, who had to face the challenges of the weather. As in previous years, there were many anomalies in the...

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From 2024, March 25 is the day of Hungarian fruit landscape varieties

Preserving the genetic diversity of our cultivated crops is in the fundamental interest of domestic agriculture. These include the fruit landscape varieties that have long been present in the Carpathian...

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Are there really many chemicals in Hungarian food?

Consumers have always demanded cheap, high-quality and preferably chemical-free vegetables and fruits. However, this is often a challenge for agribusiness actors: creating a balance between increasing production efficiency, keeping prices...

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NAK: as spring approaches, more and more domestic vegetables are available in stores

Starting from the early spring period, more and more domestic vegetables are entering the shops and Hungarian goods are taking the place of imports – it is clear from the...

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Fruits can be very expensive because of the early spring

According to the Pénzcentrum article, the early spring and unusually mild weather are causing concern among fruit growers and wineries. According to meteorological data, heat records were broken in Hungary...

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Apricots may become very expensive

As a result of the mild weather, apricots have begun to bloom in several places across the country, but gardeners are worried about the persistent frost, which could endanger this...

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Vegetables without packaging play a leading role

In the spirit of the fight against food waste and plastic waste, changes are expected on the shelves of grocery stores in the United Kingdom. According to the plans of...

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(HU) SWEET VALLEY Fügekoszorú

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Gyarapodó kihívások, felsejlő kilátások

A hazai zöldség-gyümölcs ágazat szereplőit az elmúlt időszakban az egyre inkább szélsőségessé váló időjárás, valamint a fokozódó munkaerőhiány mellett számos más gazdasági és politikai tényező is kíméletlenül sújtotta. A drasztikus...

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We can expect brutal apple prices

This year, we can expect a medium apple harvest, which is expected to be between 450 and 550 thousand tons. This means a slight decrease compared to the long-term average...

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Hungarian pears are already ripening, they are harvested by the end of October

The pear season is in full swing, one of autumn’s favorite fruits is picked on domestic plantations until the end of October. In our country, pears are grown on nearly 2,000...

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The tomato, or fruit, is among the vegetables

Tomatoes are the sweetest vegetables. So much so that it’s fruit. We still call it a vegetable, because we treat it as such in the kitchen. We use it for salty...

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The main driving force behind the sharp rise in British food prices is the rise in the price of vegetables

Contrary to expectations, annual British inflation accelerated and thus remained above ten percent in February. The primary reason for the unexpected acceleration was food prices rising at a pace not...

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Frutti and Veggi tasted more than a ton of vegetables and fruits last year

The European Fresh Team program, the educational campaign promoting the consumption of vegetables and fruits by the National Chamber of Agricultural Economy, continues this year and is also entering its...

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Strawberries will remain expensive until May

For a long time, we considered strawberries as a seasonal fruit, and we were already preparing for the beginning of summer to enjoy the inimitable taste experience that this berry...

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Lidl is introducing another food saving measure

Lidl Hungary launched “Save it! food rescue action, which further expands the range of measures taken to reduce food waste. It offers its customers fruits and vegetables that are no...

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Lidl is introducing another food saving measure

Lidl Hungary launched “Save it! food rescue action, which further expands the range of measures taken to reduce food waste. It offers its customers fruits and vegetables that are no...

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The country’s best brandy was chosen

When we talk about brandy, thanks to the work of commercial brandy distilleries, we can now think of a high-quality, true gastronomic specialty, which is one of our nation’s outstanding...

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The EU exported more apples and imported less last month

According to data from the same period last year, the European Union exported 11% more apples and imported 42% fewer apples. Analyzing the relevant data, we see a clear increase...

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There are many less fresh goods among the poisonously expensive fruits

Since last year, the prices of vegetables and fruits have risen brutally, so it is very worthwhile to pay attention to the freshness of the products we buy in the...

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