Tag "Gulyás Gergely"

Gergely Gulyás: the food price freeze lasts until August 1

The government will extend the food price freeze until August 1, after which the measure will end, the minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office announced on Thursday in...

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If inflation disappears, will the food price freeze also go?

It may depend on next Wednesday’s inflation statistics whether we will stay with the food price freeze or whether the government will cancel it. So you have to wait until...

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Gergely Gulyás: the international recognition of Hungarian wine must be increased

The international recognition of Hungarian wine needs to be increased, and this will be helped by the upcoming Hungarian Wine Marketing Strategy – explained the minister in charge of the...

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Gergely Gulyás: The VAT reduction of food items did not come up

At Thursday’s government briefing, Gergely Gulyás said that the VAT reduction did not arise, which otherwise significantly lowered inflation in Croatia. And the reason for this is that, according to...

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Gulyás: Restrictions will remain until March 15

The government will maintain the restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic unchanged until March 15 – Gulyás Gergely, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office said at the Government...

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Gulyás: the online consultation on the opening will start in mid-February

An online consultation on a possible timetable for opening up restrictions following the coronavirus pandemic will begin in the week of February 15, the Minister leading the Prime Minister’s Office...

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