Tag "GKI"

Companies’ efforts to increase prices did not ease in February either

GKI’s economic sentiment index fell in February after a January rise, within the statistical margin of error. According to a survey conducted by GKI Economic Research Co. with the support...

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More than half of Hungarian municipalities no longer have pharmacies

Our health depends on access to medical care. But it also depends on the ability of the prescribed prescriptions to be redeemed by the patient. Therefore, GKI Economic Research Zrt....

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Companies’ efforts to increase prices did not ease in February either

KI’s economic sentiment index fell in February after a January rise, within the statistical margin of error. According to a survey conducted by GKI Economic Research Co. with the support...

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GKI: per capita purchasing power in 2020 was 2 million HUF

At the national level, the purchasing power per capita (total income) averaged 2 million HUF in 2020, increasing by 7 percent in nominal terms in one year, GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt....

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Solvency stagnated in the second half of 2021

Compared to the previous year, the solvency of the Hungarian population improved in the last quarter, but stagnation was characteristic of the whole of 2021, according to Intrum data....

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GKI’s economic sentiment index closed last year with a decline and started this one with an improvement

After the contraction in November and December, GKI’s economic sentiment index re-bounded in January 2022 to its November last year level. According to a survey conducted by GKI Economic Research...

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GKI consumer confidence index fell sharply in November

GKI’s economic sentiment index declined slightly in November. Business expectations continued to strengthen, whereas consumer ones weakened. According to a survey con-ducted by GKI with the support of the EU,...

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(HU) A GKI konjunktúraindexe novemberben kissé csökkent

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Magazine: Business Days 2021 – The 8th wonder of the world (Part 1)

Nearly 800 participants turned up to discuss the 8th wonder of the world – the restart of the sector – during the 5 five days of the Business Days conference,...

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GKI Digital: Over 60,000 HUF for this year’s Christmas gifts

While last year’s Christmas was more limited due to the coronavirus and most of the gift purchases were transferred to online stores, this year we would like to give gifts...

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The GKI business cycle index rose to a two-year high in October

In October, after a period of four months of near stagnation, the rise in the GKI business cycle index gained new momentum and reached a two-year high. Last time, business...

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Achieving climate goals will also be a major task for the EU

The EU has set itself a binding target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 as part of the European Green Deal with the European Climate Regulation. This requires a significant...

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Jófogás+GKI: This is the kind of benefit blue-collar workers want

More than 5,700 people completed the joint representative labour market research of Jófog and GKI Digital, the market leader in blue-collar job advertisements, during July and August. Based on the...

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In September GKI’s economic sentiment index stopped rising

After its big jump in April, GKI’s economic sentiment index was slowly rising in the sum-mer months, and then it switched to stagnation by September. According to a survey conducted...

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The rise in the GKI economic index stopped in September

After the big jump in April, the GKI business cycle index slowly picked up in the summer months and then stagnated by September; the months-long improvement in business expectations in...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index continued to rise in August

After its big jump in April, GKI’s economic sentiment index was slowly rising in the sum-mer months. According to a survey conducted by GKI with the support of the EU,...

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(HU) GKI: A lassú kihalás fenyegeti a magyar települések egyötödét

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GKI: The forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. for 2021

GKI raised its growth forecast for this year very significantly to 7 per cent from 4.3 per cent in March. This is based on a faster-than-expected recovery from the crisis,...

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(HU) GKI: A román gazdaság hasít

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The forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. for 2021 – Summary of the June update of the March 2021 forecast for the press, 30 June 2021

GKI raised its growth forecast for this year very significantly to 7 per cent from 4.3 per cent in March. This is based on a faster-than-expected recovery from the crisis,...

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(HU) A GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. előrejelzése 2021-re

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Most home officers want to work from home later, too

GKI Economic Research Zrt. examined the views of teleworking workers under restrictions due to the coronavirus epidemic situation on a representative sample of 1,000 people, on what form they expected...

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GKI: international trade chains are constantly gaining weight

Eleven retail chains in Hungary achieved 7.3 percent more gross turnover of 5,306 billion HUF in 2020, which is 96 percent more than in 2007, ie the market has almost...

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Business expectations no longer improved in June

The GKI economic activity index continued to rise in May and June after an unprecedented rise in April, but most recently within the margin of error. The index reached its...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index exceeded its pre-crisis level in May

After an unprecedentedly large rise in April, GKI’s economic sentiment index made a much smaller, but still significant step up in May, reaching its pre-pandemic level of Feb-ruary last year....

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GKI: the role of telework may reduce after the pandemic

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, teleworking has inevitably become part of everyday life, but after the pandemic, domestic companies plan to reduce teleworking, according to GKI Economic Research’s...

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GKI raises growth forecast

Thanks to better results in the 4th quarter of 2020 and the relatively favourable changes in business confidence in early 2021, GKI raised its 2021 growth forecast by 0.6 percentage...

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GKI: home office may not stay with us pos-covid

As a result of the pandemic situation caused by the coronavirus crisis, teleworking inevitably became part of everyday life. In order to get a more complete picture of the impact...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index approached its pre-crisis level in April

After a modest decline in February, GKI’s economic sentiment index rose to a lesser ex-tent in March. However, it approached its otherwise fairly low top level since the start of...

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GKI’s consumer confidence index jumped to a one-year high in April

The GKI consumer confidence index jumped to a one-year high of minus 24.5 points in April, but is still significantly below the level of minus 12.1 points in March 2020...

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