Tag "GKI"

GKI: Electricity is expensive for Hungarian businesses

In October 2023, electricity consumption was 1.6% lower compared to a year earlier based on KSH data, and thus continued the downward trend characteristic of the previous months. One of...

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The average net monthly salary in 2022 remained below HUF 300,000

According to NAV data, in 2022 the average monthly salary (income from employment) was HUF 418,000 gross, which meant HUF 285,000 net per month (including benefits). This is lower compared...

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The population’s sense of inflation is decreasing, but still very high

According to the official inflation data, consumer prices rose by 12.2% in September compared to the same period of the previous year. Compared to this, according to a representative survey...

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The population’s ability to pay improved slightly due to falling inflation

The solvency of Hungarian households increased slightly compared to the previous quarter, which was primarily due to falling inflation, according to the new solvency report of Intrum and GKI. However,...

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GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. 2023/3. forecast for 2023

In the second quarter of this year, the Hungarian economy was already in recession for the fourth quarter, and this only happened in Estonia apart from Hungary in the EU....

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In September, the economic index of the GKI decreased slightly

With the arrival of autumn, the population and businesses also became a little grumpier. According to a survey conducted by the GKI Gazdaságkutató – with the support of the EU...

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GKI: Do we need 500,000 guest workers?

In a previous speech, the Prime Minister identified bringing 500,000 guest workers to Hungary as a real need. This was established by the parliament with various laws, which made it...

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Nem változtat a GKI az előrejelzésén

A GKI legutóbbi, márciusi részletes előrejelzése mindenekelőtt az idei visszaesés feltételezésében, az inflációcsökkenés lassúbb voltában, továbbá az EU-transzferekhez való hozzáférés valószínűsített késedelmének mértékében tért el a többségi állásponttól. A GKI...

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GKI: Why is Hungary increasingly separated from the EU average in terms of living standards?

Hungarian economic policy hopes to quickly catch up with the more developed member states of the EU in the coming years. To this end, it has set the goal of...

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In August, the GKI economic index rose to a five-month high

According to a survey conducted by the GKI Gazdaságkutató – with the support of the EU – Hungarian residential and business expectations improved noticeably in August, so the GKI economic...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index rose in July

fter a significant decline in June, the summary indicator of the results of the survey con-ducted by GKI Economic Research Co. with the support of the EU, the economic sentiment...

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The forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. for 2023

GKI’s latest detailed forecast, in March, differed from the majority view, in particular in its assumption of a downturn this year and a slower decline in inflation, as well as...

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(HU) GKI: Júniusban év eleji szintre esett vissza a GKI konjunktúraindexe

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(HU) GKI: A gyorsan emelkedő árakat elsősorban a gazdaságpolitika okozza

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GKI: What did (re)industrialization achieve in the light of the development of foreign trade?

Hungary’s foreign trade balance in goods showed a record loss in 2022 (-8.6 billion euros) according to the KSH, while according to the MNB the deficit was almost -15 billion...

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GKI: A korábbi laza költségvetések árát fizetjük meg most

Government spending in recent years was initially aimed at mitigating the harmful economic effects of the COVID-19 epidemic, and then the stated goal became the forced acceleration of growth. If...

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One in three consumers regularly drinks decaffeinated coffee, according to an analysis

Last year, the value of the entire Hungarian coffee market exceeded HUF 77 billion, of which customers spent HUF 19 billion on capsule coffees, which is 9 percent more than...

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GKI: Why should the MNB fight inflation with high interest rates?

The shocking rise in consumer prices last year and the expected peak this year raises the question of whether the MNB is doing the right thing by protecting itself against...

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After a fell in April, GKI’s economic sentiment index rose slightly in May

Although GKI’s economic sentiment index rose in May compared to April, it still did not reach its March level. Business expectations also remained worse than in March, despite an improvement...

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This year is likely to bring a 0.5% drop in economic performance and 19% inflation

Last year real wages grew by 2.6%, and if this year gross salaries increase by 15% and prices become 19% higher, it will mean that real wages reduce by 3.5%....

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GKI’s economic sentiment index fell in April ater five months of growth

In April, business expectations fell back to their level at the beginning of 2023, and the consumer confidence index also declined slightly. According to a survey conducted by GKI Economic...

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A drop of 0.5 percent and inflation of 19 percent are expected this year

In 2022, Hungary entered a technical recession, faced serious balance problems, and became very isolated internationally. The Russian-Ukrainian war, the related energy crisis (security of supply and prices), and the...

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Affordability, health, sustainability and comfort influence shopper decisions

Everyday life during the cost of living crisis In the middle of the cost of living crisis, the biggest fears of consumers are rising food prices and energy bills. According...

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(HU) Negyedik hónapja emelkedik a GKI konjuktúra-indexe

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Hungary as a regional middle power – What do the numbers of the last decade show?

At the end of 2022, the vision of one of the Government’s advisers on Hungary’s strategy for the next decade was published. According to this: “The biggest strategic challenge facing...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index may be past its lowest point

In January, GKI’s economic sentiment index rose marginally, but for the third month in a row. According to the empirical survey conducted by GKI Economic Research Co. with the support...

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The tripling of electricity prices reduced the companies’ electricity consumption by 6%

According to the data of the Hungarian Energy and Public Utilities Regulatory Office, the price of electricity purchased by non-residential users on the free market in November 2022 was HUF...

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In December, the prospects of tourism companies worsened

Last December, the Tourism Business Index (tki) stood at minus 22 points, which shows that the players in the sector continue to perceive their situation as deteriorating. Compared to November,...

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Retail turnover increased by 0.6%

The volume of retail trade grew more modestly than expected, by 0.6% according to the raw data, and also by 0.6% when adjusted for the calendar effect, compared to the...

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GKI: Modestly, but business and consumer expectations also improved in December

According to a survey conducted by GKI Gazdaságkutató – with the support of the EU – the rise in the business confidence index is solely the result of a significant...

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