Tag "gasztronómia"

Wine-Blues-Sticker Days days in Veszprém

The Wine-Blues-Sticker Days in Veszprém will be organized for the third time between March 6 and 8 – Brányi Mária, the city’s Deputy Mayor told at Fridays event heralding press...

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The native brown trout can become a gastronomic specialty

The researchers of the Gödöllő-based Szent István University (SZIE) have developed a farming method, which allows them to increase the proportion of native brown trout in the current Hungarian trout...

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The Hungarian team started to compete in the world finals of Bocuse d'Or

The Hungarian team started to compete in the finals of the world’s most prestigious cooking competition, at the world finals of Bocuse d'Or on Wednesday morning in Lyon, France, where...

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The first international gastronomic biennial has been opened in Lyon

The 1st annual International Biennial of Taste (BIG) was organized in Lyon, France, with a 1.7km long buffet set up in the Croix-Rousse tunnel, closed to traffic for one night....

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