Tag "furmint"

Busatti Furmint textile collection

The textile collection in which the picturesque beauty of Tuscany is intertwined with the uniqueness of the Furmint grape was created as a recognition of our historic wine region. Furmint,...

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AMC: Hungarian furmints were introduced in the United Kingdom

This year, Hungarian furmints were presented for the third time at the Furmint February event, jointly organized by the Agrármarketing Centrum (AMC) and the Wines of Hungary UK communication agency...

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More than two hundred furmins at the Furmint February Grand Tasting

The visitors of the 11th Furmint February Grand Tasting can meet with one of the most important white grape varieties of the Carpathian Basin at the Hungarian Agricultural Museum on...

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Diplomats are drinking Tokaji

The Tokaj wine region is the leader in the 2018 wine selection of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (KKM). The selection is made for foreign missions and diplomatic events –...

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Furmint February to come

Numerous events throughout the country help to get to know one of the most promising Carpathian vine varieties, the furmint. A large-scale walking tasting and professional workshop awaits the guests...

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Furmint February Great Tasting with the wines of a hundred exhibitors

The visitors can taste more than 150 wines of a hundred exhibitors at the Furmint February Great Tasting on the International Day of Furmint on 1 February, at the Hungarian...

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The acquisition of furmint and hárslevelű has begun in Tokaj-Hegyalja

The state-owned Grand Tokaj Zrt. has begun to buy furmint and hárslevelű grapes in the Tokaj-Hegyalja wine region – the largest purchaser and winery in the region told MTI on...

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Wine Weeks from Monday in Balatonfüred

Almost three hundred wines from the thirty wine varieties of the wine region can be tasted by the visitors in Balatonfüred from Monday. The three-week event awaits the guests with...

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The “Adopt a Furmint” program helps the young Hungarian agricultural researchers

The “Adopt a Furmint” program helps the young Hungarian agricultural researchers by creating application and scholarship opportunities. The initiative was launched in conjunction with this year’s Furmint Year program –...

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Fazekas Sándor: awareness actions to promote Furmint

This year is the Year of the Furmint. The governmnet would like to draw attention to this unique Hungarian value – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel...

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The Government declared 2017 as the year of Furmint

The Government declared 2017 as the year of Furmint, with the aim to raise the attention of the international and domestic markets and the consumers on one of the most...

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Furmint celebrations in Mád

The furmint, Tokaj’s traditional wine is celebrated with a traditional autumn harvest feast in the weekend in Mád. According to information, provided by the organizers, on Friday and Saturday the...

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Great Furmint February Tasting with the wines of nearly one hundred cellars

Ninety-four cellars offer more than 170 kinds of Furmints at the Great Furmint February Tasting on 7 February at the Hungarian Agricultural Museum, while the restaurants and the specialty shops...

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The best Furmint of 2013 was born in Nagy Eged

According to the communication of the Kovács Nimród Borászat (Kovács Nimród Winery), it is now two years since our 2011 vintage Nagy Eged Furmint won a Gold Medal and a...

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