Tag "fizetés"

Payment by QR code is coming in Hungary

At the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, due to its technological backwardness, Hungary skipped payment by check and went directly to payment by bank card. In contrast, in other...

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Revolut is planning to blow up big

One of the leading players in the field of digital banking, Revolut, is preparing to sell shares worth 500 million dollars, with which it intends to increase the value of...

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84% of Hungarians plan to pay by card or smart device during their trip abroad

40% of Hungarians are planning a holiday abroad this year, and the most popular destinations are Italy and Croatia. The card usage experience of OTP Bank customers also shows that...

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Hungarians don’t really want to pay in cash anymore

In the first quarter of 2024, the number of Hungarian bank card cash withdrawals barely exceeded 20.6 million, which means an average of two transactions per card in three months....

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K&H: be careful with your bank card even during vacation

Extra caution is also justified during vacations, whether it is a beach holiday or a foreign sporting event such as the European football championship or the Paris Olympics. In addition,...

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More young people expect higher salaries

The overwhelming majority are young people who expect their salary to increase during the year: 74 percent of working 19-29 year olds expect a salary increase this year according to...

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Revolut does not change card transfers

Revolut has decided not to introduce a planned base fee of 20 euro cents (approximately 80 Hungarian forints) for instant card transfers starting April 27. Instead, the online bank informed...

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It was revealed how much Tesco’s first person earns

The CEO of Tesco, Ken Murphy, will receive a record salary of 10 million pounds (~4.6 billion forints) this year, which consists of base salary and performance-based benefits. Retail Gazette...

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Can people under 25 really earn more than older workers?

The tax discount for those under 25, introduced two years ago, is still the subject of debate: according to some, it had a motivating force and activated young workers, while...

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Soon you can withdraw money for free at the Post Office

From January 1, 2025, new rules regarding cash withdrawals will enter into force in Hungary. According to the decree, it will be possible to withdraw a maximum of HUF 150,000...

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MNB: instant payment goes to a new level

From April 1, all domestic consumers and businesses can complete their payment transactions by accepting a payment request and initiating an immediate payment in response, the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)...

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Visa and Mastercard have reached a $30 billion deal

Visa and Mastercard have reached a $30 billion settlement in the U.S. to limit merchant credit and debit card fees. This is expected to reach consumers in part in the...

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Electronic payment is becoming more and more important

The spread of electronic payments can be felt more and more clearly in Hungary, which shows an increasing trend every year. According to the professional article published by the MNB,...

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Uniform brand name, online contract signing – innovations for merchants looking for a payment solution

The popularity of electronic and mobile payment solutions among users and entrepreneurs is growing unstoppably, according to the MNB’s 2023 payment report, the proportion of electronic payments increased by 5-6...

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Revolut offers a deposit, but it remains outside the protective umbrella of the Hungarian deposit guarantee

Revolut Bank, based in Lithuania and operating as a cross-border service provider in Hungary, has started actively collecting deposits, but it still does not apply for a Hungarian subsidiary bank...

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Free in-store cash withdrawals: a government idea that did not find understanding ears

Eight months ago, the government introduced the proposal that it should be possible to withdraw cash in stores even for minimal purchases. According to the idea, this would help people...

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Auchan will raise wages between 12.5 and 21.3 percent from January

Auchan will raise the salaries of manual workers in its stores between 12.5 and 21.3 percent from January 1, the company informed MTI on Wednesday. In store positions that do...

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Revolut’s terms and conditions are changing

Revolut, which is active in the field of digital financial services, has announced that it will introduce a number of changes to its personal contract terms from March 11, 2024....

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ALDI will raise wages by 12 percent from January

Employees of Aldi Magyarország Élélmiszer Bt. in the fields of sales and logistics, as well as in office positions, will receive a uniform 12 percent wage increase from January 1,...

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Visa: Six trends from the world of payments to watch out for in 2024

The essence of the payment industry is continuous development, and 2024 promises to be the year of changes. A trend reversal is expected compared to recent years: the global expansion...

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K&H: cash is not cool

Young people basically stick to their Christmas customs, also from the point of view that they still buy the majority of gifts in person, in a traditional store, but there...

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Domestic employers expect an average wage increase of 12%

This year, compared to the January plans, many more companies increased the wages of their employees, and the amount of the increase also exceeded the original ideas. The primary reason...

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At Kifli, 6 percent of couriers earn more than HUF 1 million net

Kifli.hu, the Budapest-based online supermarket, has introduced a new bonus system that allows couriers to earn over one million forints a month if they perform well. Based on the earnings...

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Trenkwalder: Nearly two-thirds of employees in the private sector perceive a deterioration in their financial situation this year

48 percent of employees working for companies are dissatisfied with their salary. 62 percent of them perceive a deterioration in their financial situation this year, and 53 percent feel that...

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More and more customers pay in the store with a credit card

In the second quarter of 2023, despite the fact that consumption decreased, we observed interesting trends in credit card purchases in the domestic retail sector. Based on the MNB’s data,...

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Smart device payments are booming, with more than 5,500 transactions per hour

Payments with smart devices continue to show very vigorous growth at K&H. In the first eight months of this year, the financial institution’s customers processed an average of more than...

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Visa: 10-ből 7 magyar szerint egyszerűbb bankkártyával adományozni

A Siketek Világnapja alkalmából a Visa (NYSE: V) elindítja Magyarországon “Az érintés ereje mindannyiunké” kampányát, amely a Siketek és Nagyothallók Országos Szövetségének (SINOSZ) támogatására irányul a bankkártyás adományozást ösztönözve. Az...

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Ezért megfizetünk! – de legalább gyorsan és kényelmesen

A retailtechnológia területén több olyan fejlesztési irány is körvonalazódik, amelyek külön-külön is forradalmasíthatják a szektort. Ezek jelentős része a kasszazónát érinti. A legtöbb szó mostanság ezen a téren is a...

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This is how traffic in retail has changed with the use of the SZÉP card

In a bid to alleviate financial pressures on the Hungarian populace, the government introduced a groundbreaking change earlier this year. SZÉP cards, traditionally used for various leisure and hospitality services,...

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K&H: there is still room for cash

While young people pay more and more often electronically during their non-online purchases, cash also has a place in their circles – this is what the K&H youth index concluded....

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