Tag "fényvédelem"

Recent research: almost half of Hungarians do not use sun protection cream, and moreover, they do not avoid the sun in the midday hours either

According to a recent, representative research, only 8 percent of the Hungarian population uses sun protection cream all year round, and 43 percent pay attention to it only in summer....

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Great skin in winter and summer

Values sales were up 17.5% in the body lotion category over the past year and volume sales grew by 21%. The former was mainly the result of price increases in...

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„Bőrgyógyász és kozmetikus” a fürdőszobapolcon

Az arcápolási kategóriában jelentős mértékű növekedés történt az elmúlt időszakban, ami leginkább a COVID alatti lezárások ideje alatt berobbanó trendnek, az otthoni, tudatos bőrápolásnak köszönhető. Arcbőrünk ápolása már korántsem egy...

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Exciting sunscreen novelties at Rossmann

While the topic of sun protection has only been gaining popularity as widely as it is today, the market for products related to it was quite limited until recently. For...

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Nielsen: annual turnover of sunscreens is over two billion

More than half of the adult Hungarians use sunscreen at least occasionally; one third use them only on holiday and nearly one-fifth of them when they feel the sun is...

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