Tag "felmérés"

Most Hungarian entrepreneurs fear a decrease in income

he majority of Hungarian entrepreneurs are most afraid of a decrease in income and consider it a big challenge to raise operating costs. A serious problem is high stress and...

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German consumers will cut back on Christmas presents this year

Germans plan to spend less on Christmas presents this year, according to a survey by Ernst & Young. Experts believe retailers can respond with discount promotions. Two thirds of respondents...

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Consumers want grocers to use AI to help them save money, Dunnhumby finds

More than half of participants in the firm’s latest Consumer Trends Tracker said they share their information with grocers to redeem rewards, up 4 percentage points from earlier this year. Consumers are...

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Eurobarometer-felmérés a klímaváltozással kapcsolatban

Az uniós állampolgárok több mint háromnegyede szerint jelenleg nagyon komoly probléma az éghajlatváltozás. Közel 56%-uk szerint az Európai Unió, a nemzeti kormányok, valamint a vállalkozások és az ipar felelőssége lenne,...

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Investors pay bigger attention to sustainability considerations

According to a KPMG study, businesses seeking international investors have to consciously prepare for building a sustainable company, in accordance with environment, social and governance (ESG) aspects. This article is...

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Consumers Are More Accepting of Ultra-Processed Foods if They Contain Healthier, More Nutritious Ingredients: Ayana Bio

More than half of Americans (57%) believe ultra-processed foods have a negative impact on health. But two-thirds would eat more and even pay more for ultra-processed foods that contain more...

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Nearly half of Gen Z will buy holiday gifts on social media, survey finds

Many in the generation expect to spend more than last year and will shop earlier if retailers introduce discounts sooner, according to a Shopify report. Following forecasts of higher holiday retail sales, nearly three-fourths (74%)...

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Inflation hampers global alcohol spend in Q3

More than 50% of those who have cut back on their grocery shopping say they have cut out alcohol altogether in the last three months. Over half of those cutting...

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More Than Two Thirds Regularly Buy Private-Label Groceries In Europe, Study Finds

Private-label products have become a ‘firm staple’ among European consumers, with 70% buying these products regularly while shopping for groceries, according to a new report. The study – conducted by...

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Energy modernisation is the most urgent in retail trade

Businesses are taking steps against high energy costs: 6 out of 10 companies did something in the summer to reduce their energy bills, according to a K&H study. First and...

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Delivering value to shoppers will remain paramount for grocers, McKinsey study finds

More than 70% of consumers recently surveyed by the consulting firm said discounts are more important to them now than a year ago. Grocers will face continuing pressure to deliver value...

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Hungarians search for information and compare products when they shop online

A significant proportion of Hungarians shop online: 35% of 18-65 year olds do it at least once a month and 17% once a week – according to a recent representative...

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Forradalmi változásokat hoz a digitalizáció az élelmiszeriparban és italgyártásban is

Az élelmiszeripari és italgyártó cégek háromnegyedénél hozott komoly fejlődést a termelésben a digitalizáció, felüknél pedig még további javulásra számítanak – derül ki a Schneider Electric friss tanulmányából. A cikk a...

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Irish Grocery Spending Up By 13% In 2023, Says HelloFresh

The average weekly grocery spend in Ireland has increased by 13%, from €91.38 in 2022 to €105.85 in 2023, a new survey from HelloFresh has found. This adds up to €752...

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A helyi termékekről készít felmérést a Széchenyi István Egyetem

A Nemzeti Agrárgazdasági Kamara által támogatott kutatás fókuszában a rövid ellátási láncok, s ezen belül is elsősorban a helyi termékek előállítása, illetve a fogyasztási és vásárlási szokások állnak. A cikk...

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Food Safety, Hygiene Concerns Lessen as Consumers Shift Toward Sustainable Packaging: McKinsey

Consumers are coming out of the pandemic with a renewed focus on sustainability, according to a new report from McKinsey based on a survey of consumers across 11 countries. It’s...

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Survey reveals how retailers view AI, future deployment plans

Retailers have big plans for deploying artificial intelligence (AI) technologies — and sooner rather than later. Nearly six in 10 respondents plan to adopt AI, machine learning (ML) and computer...

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IGD: Total food and drink market moving towards recovery by 2025

The total UK food and drink market is predicted to be worth £315.2bn by 2028, experiencing a growth of 19% from 2023 (£265bn), according to a unique new forecast from...

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A survey of local products and agritourism opportunities is also being prepared

István Széchenyi University is conducting a survey on the production and consumption habits of local products. A survey was also launched in relation to the development of agritourism, based on the...

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Fidelity: Net zero in 2030 seems unrealistic for most companies

A survey of Fidelity ESG analysts questions whether companies’ net-zero plans are sufficient. The answer is: not yet, and a greater concerted effort is needed. Additional funding, technological innovation and...

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K&H: many young people are unsure

In one quarter, the value of the K&H youth index clearly decreased from 14 points to 11 points, the financial institution announced. The second wave of the survey showed that,...

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More optimistic firms

Gábor Rajna, the head of K&H’s business banking division told our magazine: companies had to face many difficulties in the previous years, but their optimism is definitely growing now. This...

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Today even those consumers economise who didn’t do it last year

In April 2023 Publicis Groupe has commissioned Kantar Hoffmann with doing a survey on consumption habits in 23 categories. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. It...

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After the plunge in April, the GKI economic sentiment index climbed a little in May

Although the GKI economic sentiment index rose in May compared to April, it couldn’t reach the level of March. Business expectations remained worse than in March, despite an improvement in...

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Top10 most cyber secure European country for business in 2023

Recent research has shown that 68% of high-revenue growth companies have embraced a hybrid model worldwide. With businesses enjoying remote or hybrid working, benefits including reduced maintenance costs, improved flexibility...

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Trust in supermarkets plunges to nine-year low

Trust in the food industry has plummeted as two thirds of consumers believe supermarkets are “ripping people off” with high convenience store prices, new research by Which? shows. According to...

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Product placement more favourable than traditional advertising, research finds

The majority (59%) of UK consumers would prefer to watch TV programmes and films with product placement as opposed to advertising breaks. A further 88% of Brits experience positive emotions...

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Supermarkets outscore Amazon in online grocery satisfaction poll

Supermarkets outscored Amazon as well as mass merchandisers Walmart and Target in a recent online grocery satisfaction survey conducted by The Feedback Group. Supermarkets scored 4.40 out of five points...

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Nearly 40% of shoppers buying ‘yellow sticker’ reduced food products

Over one third (38%) of shoppers are buying ‘yellow sticker’ discounted products nearing their expiration dates in a bid to save during the ongoing cost-of-living crisis – Barclays says based...

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Healthy eating: how to do it if it is expensive?

Hungarians are aware of the importance and the basics of healthy eating, as 77% know and agree that a healthy diet should be diverse, balanced and complete. This article is...

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