Tag "Európai Bizottság"

Are synthetic meat and artificial eggs coming?

On Wednesday, the European Commission announced the registration of two new European citizens’ initiatives. One initiative calls for the closure of animal farms and the production of synthetic meat, while...

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The average price of white sugar on the world market decreased by 9 percent

The average price of white sugar on the world market in May 2024 was 512 euros/ton, almost 9 percent lower than in April. On the London Mercantile Exchange (LIFFE), the...

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Egg exports have increased in the EU and in Hungary as well

Based on data from the European Commission, EU (EU27) egg and egg product imports increased by 12.5 percent to 26,000 tons in the first three months of 2024 compared to...

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The agricultural council must show the main directions of the agricultural policy after 2027

The aim of the six-month Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union is for the Council of Agriculture Ministers to show the main directions of the common agricultural...

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Croatia has the cleanest natural bathing waters in Europe

According to this year’s investigation by the European Commission (EC) and the European Environmental Protection Agency (EEA), Croatia has the cleanest natural bathing waters in Europe – the Croatian Tourist...

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The EU authorizes the use of genetically modified corn as food and feed

The European Commission has authorized the use of two varieties of genetically modified corn as food and feed, the Brussels body announced on Tuesday. The commission’s authorization decision allows these...

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The price of eggs at the packing point is 19 percent lower than a year ago

According to data from the European Commission, the packing point price of table eggs in the EU was 220 euros/100 kilograms in the first twenty-three weeks of 2024, 13 percent...

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The rules on the import of Ukrainian products into the EU without customs duties and quantitative restrictions came into force

The legislation that extends the import of Ukrainian products into the EU without customs duties and quantitative restrictions has entered into force, the European Commission announced on Thursday. According to...

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The EU fined the food manufacturer Mondelez 337.5 million euros for the use of trade restrictions

The European Commission imposed a fine of 337.5 million euros (about 135 billion forints) on the American food manufacturer Mondelez for restricting the trade of various chocolate, biscuit and coffee...

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AM State Secretary: a competitive, crisis-proof and farmer-friendly EU agricultural policy is needed

European farmers need a competitive, crisis-resistant and farmer-friendly EU agricultural policy, and Hungary will represent these aspects during its EU presidency, the Secretary of State for Agriculture and Rural Development...

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Exports of shell eggs rose by 58 percent

According to data from the European Commission, the packing point price of table eggs in the EU was 224 euros/100 kilograms in the first nineteen weeks of 2024, 13 percent...

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The European Union started the year with significant growth and a decrease in inflation

According to the latest report of the European Commission, at the beginning of 2024, the economy of the European Union began to grow at a surprisingly fast pace, while inflation...

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The EU has extended by one year the rules on the import of Ukrainian and Moldovan products into the EU without customs duties and quantitative restrictions

The Council of the European Union has extended for another year the validity of the temporary trade regulation, according to which Ukraine and Moldova can import their products, including agricultural...

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Important information about satellite monitoring of irrigated areas

Due to the regulations of the European Commission, since last year – as in the other EU member states – the territorial monitoring system using the Sentinel satellite family, i.e....

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The first results of the European farmers’ demonstrations were born

As a result of the cooperation of farmers at the European level, the European Commission has reconsidered the provisions of the Common Agricultural Policy in some areas. Thanks to the...

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Poultry imports decreased by 21 percent

According to data from the European Commission, the EU’s (EU27) poultry meat exports increased by 17 percent to 171,000 tons in January 2024 compared to the same month of the...

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The European Commission extends the license for state aid to agricultural and fishing producers

The European Commission will extend by six months the temporary measures that allow the governments of EU member states to pay state aid to agricultural and fishing producers affected by...

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The import of fresh eggs increased by 71 percent

Based on data from the European Commission, EU (EU27) egg and egg product imports increased by 68 percent to 9,000 tons in January 2024 compared to the same month of...

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An immediate revision of EU regulations on imported products is necessary

While the European Commission requires its own producers to comply with the strictest food safety standards in the world, it allows salmonella-infected Ukrainian chicken meat to enter without restrictions. The...

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The producer price of broiler chicken fell by nearly 20 percent

According to data from the European Commission, poultry meat exports from the Union (EU27) decreased by 3 percent to 2 million tons in 2023 compared to 2022. Exports of EU...

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The EU has strengthened the rules for the protection of geographical indications for food and beverages

At Tuesday’s meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council, the ministers of the EU member states adopted the decree on improving the protection of geographical indications and other quality systems...

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The producer price of lamb rose by 16-18 percent

According to data from the European Commission, the European Union’s sheep and goat imports (live animals and meat) were 170,000 tons in 2023, which represents a 3.7 percent increase compared...

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The EU has strengthened the rules for the protection of geographical indications for food and beverages

At Tuesday’s meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council, the ministers of the EU member states adopted the decree on improving the protection of geographical indications and other quality systems...

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Professional information on the rules of the Good Agricultural and Environmental Status and the Agro-ecology Program for 2024

In parallel with the legal finalization of the regulations for the uniform applications for 2024, which will be published within weeks, the Ministry of Agriculture will also share the details...

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The EU proposes a revision of the common agricultural policy to support EU farmers

The European Commission proposes a targeted revision of certain conditions of the regulation on the strategic plans of the common agricultural policy (CAP) in order to ease the administrative burden...

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European Commission: cosmetics lead the list of dangerous non-food products

According to the 2023 report of the EU rapid alert system for non-food products, cosmetics were the most common type of product posing a health risk, the European Commission announced...

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The European Commission launches an investigation against AliExpress

The European Commission has initiated a special investigation against the Chinese online trading platform AliExpress, as it was suspected of violating the Digital Services Act. According to the Brussels body,...

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Farmers can give their comments to the European Commission until April 8

 The Ministry of Agriculture is fighting with all possible means in Brussels to simplify the EU rules of the Common Agricultural Policy. Now it’s the farmers’ turn to directly indicate to...

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EU commissioner for agriculture: leaving arable land fallow can be permanently voluntary

Permanently, at least until 2027, it can be voluntary to leave four percent of the arable land fallow – EU Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski announced on Friday in an interview...

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The price of eggs at the packing point decreased by 18 percent

Based on data from the European Commission, EU (EU27) egg and egg product imports increased by 89 percent to 83,000 tons in January-November 2023 compared to the same period of...

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