Tag "EU"

Advances from EU funding are now paid sooner

According to GKI Economic Research Zrt., Hungary’s economy grew faster than expected in the 1st quarter of 2017. This growth slowed down a little in April but speeded up again...

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Eurostat: France has the highest number of hotels in the EU

The highest number of accommodations can be found in France in the European Union, according to Eurostat. Last year, France had a total of 5.1 million commercial accommodation units, followed...

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There was no change in inflation in the European Union

The inflation rate has not changed in the European Union nor in the euro area in July – Eurostat reported on Thursday. According to the statistics from the European Union’s...

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Eurostat: Hungarians spend less on holidays than the EU average

Luxembourg’s citizens spent the most on vacation in 2015 in the European Union, about EUR 740 per trip and per person (225 thousand HUF), while in Hungary this amount is...

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Brussels calls for summit over major egg contamination scandal

The European Commissioner, responsible for food safety has called for a meeting of ministers and national regulatory agencies for Friday, to discuss a widespread European contamination scare, which has seen...

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Hungary will organize the China-Europe Soybean Congress next year

The 2018 China-Europe Soy Symposium of the Duna Szója Szövetség (Danube Soya Association) and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences will take place in Budapest and Vienna, which is a...

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Hungary spends the most on leisure and cultural activities in the EU in the proportion of the GDP

On average, the EU member states spend one percent of their gross domestic product (GDP) for the support of leisure, cultural and religious activities. In the proportion of the GDP...

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Beer production increased in the EU last year

Last year, 39 billion liters of beer was produced in the European Union, 400 million liters more than in 2015. The Union’s beer production was 76 liters per capita in...

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Retail sales increased in the European Union

The pace of retail growth in June accelerated both the euro area and in the EU – Eurostat’s figures show. Eurostat estimated that the volume of retail sales, compared to...

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Italy is the largest ice cream maker in the EU

Among the 28 Member States of the European Union the most ice cream was made in Italy last year. Hungary is ranked 12th – Eurostat statistics show. According to the...

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The Hungarian farmers are active in the formation of the Common Agricultural Policy

Thanks to the calls from the National Chamber of Agriculture, the Hungarian farmers were active in the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy’s (CAP) consultation: the sixth most opinions on reforming the...

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The Latin American agricultural market opens

The South American Common Market (Mercosur) negotiated on the Free Trade Agreement with the European Union at its summit – Világgazdaság Online wrote. At the Argentine Summit of South America’s...

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More than 41 million counterfeit goods were seized across the EU last year

More than 41 million counterfeit products were seized by the customs authorities of the member states of the European Union (EU) last year at the EU’s external borders. The total...

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Eastern Europe’s carriers oppose the new Western European rules

The representatives of carriers from Eastern European countries protested att he EU Transport Commissioner due to the new Western European rules which, in their view, hinder the free services and...

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The price increases in Europe slow down

The annual comparative consumer prices in the euro area and in the European Union rose at a slowing pace in June. According to the data released on Monday by the...

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The EU’s unemployment rate is at a low point

Employment has been rising over the past few years in the European Union and unemployment has been the lowest since the economic crisis in 2008, according to the European Commission’s...

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The European Parliament argued for the production of longer-life products

Members of the European Parliament (MEP) at the plenary session in Strasbourg on Tuesday introduced arguments for introducing of longer-life products. The MEPs underlined that 77 percent of European consumers...

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Consumer sentiment is on a nearly sixteen-year high in the euro area

Consumer confidence in the euro area has improved considerably in June to its sixteen year peak. Consumer sentiment has improved in the European Union as well – the preliminary data...

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Consumer prices in the euro area and in the EU increased at a slowing pace in May

Annual comparable consumer prices increased in the euro area and in the European Union in May. According to figures, published by the European Union’s Statistical Office (Eurostat) on Friday, consumer...

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Price difference between the EU Member States is almost threefold

There were very big differences in the price level of goods and services in the various Member States of the European Union last year: Denmark was the most expensive and...

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The number of employed broke record in the EU and in the euro area

The number of persons employed increased by 0.4% in both the euro area (EA19) and in the EU28 in the first quarter of 2017 compared with the previous quarter, according...

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Hungary is in the last quarter of the EU ranking in terms of GDP and individual consumption

Last year, Luxembourg was the wealthiest member of the European Union: in terms of purchasing power parity, on the basis of the gross domestic product per capita (GDP) and per...

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The EU is the world’s largest medicine importer

The European Union was the world’s largest medicine importer last year, according to Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union. According to Eurostat, in 2016, most medicinal and pharmaceutical...

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Hungary’s agri-food export exceeded 8 billion euros once again

In 2016 our agri-food export went above EUR 8 billion again. Agri-food export increased by 1.6 percent and contributed to the nation’s total export with 8.6 percent. Although import grew...

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EU and euro area retail sales increased

Growth occured in retail sales in April in the European Union and in the euro area. Eurostat said on Tuesday that according to the seasonally adjusted data, retail sales increased...

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Visegrád countries: EU’s food independence had to be ensured

An Extraordinary Meeting of the Agrarian Chambers of the Visegrád Four Countries (V4) was held on 1-2 June 2017 in Nadarzyn, near Warsaw. The Agrarian Chambers of the Visegrad Four...

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The European Union sets thousands of free internet access points up

Political agreement has been reached by the EU institutions on the so-called WiFi4EU initiative, which will create thousands of free internet access points for 2020 on the continent, the European...

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V4 countries: the CAP reform should support the farmers equally

According to the agrarian chambers of the Visegrád Four (V4) countries, the next few months will be key to the possible reform of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after...

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The rate of GDP growth in the EU and the euro area barely changed

The euro area economy grew as it was expected, while the European Union’s economy expanded somewhat more than in the first quarter of this year – according to a second...

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Nébih: Food counterfeiting is the second largest illegal deal in the EU

After drug trafficking, the second largest illegal business is abusing with food chain products in the European Union and it is the fourth in the world – Helik Ferenc, Helik...

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