Tag "EU"

The current Hungarian CAP support rate should remain!

The current Hungarian support rate should remain in the post-2020 EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) period – agrarszektor.hu wrote. According to the findings of the Agricultural Forum of the Free...

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EU subsidies for Hungary are expected to decrease by a quarter from 2021

Although there is still debate over the final figures, according to the present plans, the European Commission (EC) proposes 17.9 billion euros (approximately 5.76 thousand billion forints) cohesion support for...

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The EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement has been signed

The comprehensive free trade agreement between the European Union and Japan has been signed by the leaders of the EU and Japan in Tokyo on Tuesday. The parties hope that...

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The EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement was given a green light

The Council of EU Member States approved the signing of the free trade agreement between the European Union and Japan on Friday. The signing is expected to take place on...

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Hungarian chicken breeding is competitive

While Hungarian production is competitive in terms of chicken meat, it cannot be said for turkey meat. The Poles are coming up with awesome speed. Our Eastern neighbor, Ukraine, has...

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Insects can be the new protein source

Next year, it is expected that the use of insect protein in poultry feed in the EU is likely to be a major explosion in the segment – agrarszektor.hu wrote....

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In the first quarter, euro area and EU GDP growth slowed down

According to Eurostat’s statistical data released on Thursday, according to the preliminary data, economic growth in both the euro area and the EU slowed down as a result of the...

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Small farms dominate EU agriculture

In the EU Member States in 2016, 10.3 million farms were operating on 171 million hectares, two thirds of them had less than 5 hectares are and only 11 percent...

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Hungary is the fourth cheapest country in the EU

In 2017, Denmark was the most expensive country in the European Union and Bulgaria was the cheapest. Hungary was the fourth cheapest country on the list after Poland, Romania and...

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Consumer sentiment in the euro area and in the EU also fell in June

Consumer confidence in the euro area and in the European Union has also deteriorated in June, according to a preliminary estimate published by the European Commission on Thursday. The consumer...

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Luxembourg is the richest, Bulgaria is the poorest country in the EU

Although somewhat reduced, there is still a huge difference between the richest and poorest countries in the European Union, between Luxembourg and Bulgaria. In terms of purchasing power parity, the...

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Free trade negotiations have started between Australia and the EU

The free trade negotiations between the European Union and Australia were officially launched. Malcolm Turnbull Australian Prime Minister, Australian Trade Minister Steven Ciobo and Cecilia Malmström, member of the European...

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The European Commission proposes a new program to protect consumers and to strengthen SMEs

The European Commission proposes a new 4 billion euros targeted program for consumer protection and for the strengthening of the position of the European Union. The European Commission proposes a...

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Ministry of Agriculture: the reduction of CAP funds is unacceptable

According to Hungary, the EU budget proposed for the financing of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is not enough, especially since the legislative proposals on 1 June would place significantly...

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European consumers are guaranteed better quality organic food by an EU agreement

The Strasbourg plenary session of the European Parliament agreed on a new system of organic food and organic food labeling. According to the new system under such a trademark only...

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The European Commission has proposed amending the VAT rules and alcohol tax

The European Commission has proposed a modification of the rules on value added tax (VAT) and the reform of EU rules on excise duties on alcohol – the EU commission...

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The agrarian chamber opposes the reduction of CAP funds

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) strongly opposes the European Commission’s announced proposal to reduce the resources of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the future. The Chamber urges...

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Inflation is slowing down in the euro area and in the EU

The growth in consumer prices slowed in the euro area and in the European Union in April. According to final data published on Wednesday by the European Union’s Statistical Office...

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Hungarian success: one-fifth of aquaculture resources will be for freshwater fish

The budget of the fisheries policy is expected to decrease with four percent in the new fiscal cycle, but the support level for freshwater fish production will increase. Erdős Norbert...

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The EU wants higher tax on tobacco products

An at least a 5.4 percent increase in the excise tax on cigarettes in Hungary would meet the expectations of the European Union – Falcsik István tax consultant told Világgazdaság....

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Inflation has accelerated in Europe

Growth in consumer prices has risen in the euro area and in the European Union in March. According to the final data published on Wednesday by the European Union’s statistical...

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British business minister: there will be a customs agreement with the EU

The head of the British business ministry says there will be a customs agreement between Britain and the European Union after the expiration of the British EU membership. Greg Clark,...

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Economic growth has slowed down in the EU and in the euro area as well

Economic growth has slowed throughout the European Union and the euro area in the first quarter of this year both in annual and monthly comparisons, according to a report released...

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Poultry stop due to the salmonella meat scandal

Due to the salmonella meat scandal, the European Union forbade to enter the EU market to 20 Brazilian meat processing companies – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The measure will enter into force...

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The NAK’s position is also valid in the European Commission’s new directive proposal

The European Union has announced a new regulatory proposal aimed at improving the role and conditions of competition for farmers and small and medium-sized enterprises in the food supply chain....

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Financial Times: the Eu would transfer tens of billions of euros from Eastern Europe to the southern member states

The European Union would transfer tens of billions of euros from the Central and Eastern European member states to the severely troubled southern Member States, including Spain and Greece, in...

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Falling milk prices can be expected this year

The EU milk market is expected to drop this year according to an analysis by the Agricultural Directorate of the Takarék Group – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Consumption and processing on the...

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The EU would allow higher import duties to be imposed on dumped goods

EU foreign ministers have adopted a position on the modernization of EU trade defense instruments, which would allow higher import duties to be imposed on dumped goods – the Council...

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The European Commission has proposed the strengthening of EU consumer rights

The European Commission has submitted a package of measures to strengthen European consumer rights – the EU commission said. As it has been said, despite the strict consumer protection rules,...

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Euro area inflation increased by 1.4 percent in March

Euro area inflation increased by 1.4 percent in March from the 14-month nadir of February in line with the expectations – according to Eurostat’s report published on Wednesday In line...

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