Tag "Emmi"

Emmi acquires majority stake in Brazilian dairy producer from Coca-Cola

Emmi Group’s Brazilian subsidiary, Laticínios Porto Alegre, will acquire a majority stake in dairy product producer Verde Campo from Coca-Cola in the state of Minas Gerais, subject to approval by...

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Fülöp Attila: a hundred and twenty thousand families claimed for holiday children nutrition

One hundred and twenty thousand families demanded a summer meal for children, and children in a disadvantaged family could receive warm meal once a day – the State Secretary of...

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The government will spend 82.5 billion euros on childcare next year

In the 2020 budget, the government will provide more than 82.5 billion forints for childcare – the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) told MTI on Wednesday. In the communication, the...

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The sustainability theme week has begun

The Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) announced its sustainability theme for the fourth time, this year. At the Monday opening ceremony held in the Parliament, Rétvári Bence, Parliamentary Minister of...

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ALDI to join to the initiative supporting work-life balance

The ALDI Magyarország Élelmiszer Bt. also signs the cooperation agreement between the German-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DUIHK) and the Ministry of Human Resources (EMMI) to support compatibility between...

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Emmi: 627,000 children could eat for free or at discounted price in the past school year

A total of 627,000 children could eat for free or at discounted price in the previous school year – Fülöp Attila, Minister of State of the Ministry of Human Resources...

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School milk and fruit program covers almost half a million schoolchildren

In the new school year, the school fruit program reaches 550,000 students, while the school milk program covers 430,000 students, the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Human...

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More than fifty-three thousand people receive durable food packages

Nationwide 53,500 elderly people and people with disabilities receive permanent food packages – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Human Resources said at the opening ceremony of the...

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The government concluded a strategic co-operation with the diabetes organizations

The government concluded a strategic co-operation with two organizations representing people with diabetes in order to easen the lives of people with diabetes as well as to launch different trainings...

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The first unified packed cigarette pack was released

The first unified packed cigarette pack was released at the tobacco shops in Hungary – Demjén Tibor, of the Ministry of Human Resources (EMMI) told MTI. According to the regulation...

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Emmi: the government is supporting fundraising NGOs

The government is supporting the operation of NGOs with an application that was announced on Thursday. From the 185.5 million forints fund, foundations, associations and associations could receive money that...

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Every month, disadvantaged young children are given food packages in three counties

Disadvantaged children under age 3 receive monthly food packages in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Hajdú-Bihar és Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén counties with the support of a European Union-funded program – the Minister of State of the...

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Application to promote healthy nutrition was announced for schools

The Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) has published an application called Cool Canteens in School for the promotion of healthy eating and lifestyles. Novák Katalin, Minister of State of the...

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The Ficsak and the Emmi call for to make school canteens healthier

The Club of Young Families (Ficsak) and the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) call for to make school canteens healthier canteens. Király Nóra, founder of the Ficsak at a press...

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Women employment rate is increasing in Hungary

The rate of female employment in Hungary is increasing, it is slowly reaching the European Union’s average as well – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Human Resources...

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Two hundred thousand more children in need can get free lunches during the summer

Up to 208 thousand children can get lunch on weekdays during the summer holiday after the government made it mandatory for local authorities – the Minister of State of the...

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Expanding resources for children nutrition

In next year's budget it is planned that the funding of the Child Nutrition Program reaches 74 billion HUF, which is 2.2 billion more than this year’s amount. Rétvári Bence,...

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Strategic agreement was reached on raising up the countryside

The Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi), the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH), and the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) signed a strategic cooperation agreement to strengthen agriculture and...

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142 thousand children in the free summer meal programs

The summer meal program for children ended on Friday in which about 142 thousand children received free meals during the summer vacation – the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) announced....

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The new catering system helps the parents

The new catering system coming into force from the autumn helps families living in difficult financial circumstances and parents fostering children as well – Rétvári Bence, Parliamentary Minister of State...

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One and a half thousand local governments will receive support for summer children’s meals

All the candidates, 1,486 municipalities will receive support from the three billion HUF of the budget, that was allocated for the free summer meals for children competition of the Human...

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The government announced a tender to improve the conditions of children's nutrition

The government announced a tender for the local governments to improve the conditions of children's nutrition in a value of 1 billion HUF. Novák Katalin, Minister of State of the...

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222 billion HUF to the firms employing “vulnerable groups”

As in the past two years, the state has left 222 billion HUF in form of benefits at those employeers that undertook to give work to young people, mothers with...

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