Tag "előrejelzés"

The European Commission expects a 2.5 percent increase this year and a 2.8 percent growth for the next year in Hungary

This year, 2.5 percent, next year 2.8 percent economic growth is expected in Hungary by the European Commission, which published its spring economic forecasts for both the EU and for...

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GKI: the economy is slowing down

The growth figures in the beginning of the year indicate a slowdown in the Hungarian economy. GKI’s GDP forecast remained unchanged: after the 3.7 percent growth of 2014 and last...

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Analysts expect further real earnings growth

Analysts interviewed by MTI expect the accelerating growth of real wages and say that the labor shortages in several sectors and low inflation also help the growth. The Central Statistical...

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Hotel capacity may continue to grow in the coming years

The hotel capacity rises with an average of 2.5-3 percent every year. It can be considered as a natural growth, but the growth in the coming years is expected to...

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Another record year may come in tourism

This year can be another record year in tourism, because domestic tourism increased by 11.7 percent in the first quarter at a faster pace than last year – Szallas.hu wrote....

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Savings Bank: economic growth will slow this year, but will accelerate in 2017

Economic growth will slow to 2.5 percent this year, however in 2017 it may accelerate to 3.1 percent – the analysts of the Savings Bank (Takarékbank) say. The bank's first...

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The NGM is confident that the expansion of retail sales continues

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) is confident that the expansion of retail sales will continue, and believes that the 2.2 percent increase in turnover in January will reach last...

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The Pénzügykutató Zrt. expects a GDP growth of 2.3 percent for 2016

According to the Pénzügykutató Zrt., due to a decrease in investments a further decline will occur in the growth rate of the gross domestic product (GDP). The growth rate is...

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Századvég: low inflation and an expanding economy may characterize the following two years

The Századvég Economic Research Inc. predicts that low inflation and an expanding economy may characterize the following two years: the Hungarian GDP can increase by around 2,4, percent in 2016...

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Fitch: global economic environment deteriorated significantly, but recession is not expected

The growth environment of the global economy deteriorated significantly in the past quarter, especially due to the slowdown in the Chinese economy and due to the negative oil market price...

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NGM: a further increase in retail sales is expected

The NGM expects further increase in retail volume during the year, because inflation is low, employment is high and unemployment is very low – Lenner Áron Márk, the Deputy Minister...

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Cisco: In 2020, 70 percent of the world’s population will be mobile users

Smart mobile devices and connections[2] are projected to represent 72 percent of total mobile devices and connections by 2020—up from 36 percent in 2015. Smart devices are forecasted to generate...

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The OECD again worsened forecasts for global economic growth

Within three months, the OECD worsened the global economic growth prospects for the second time, on the “basis of the disappointing recent data.” The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development...

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The robots are replacing human workforce

A respectable professor drew attention to a process that is endangering the of human society: 30 years later, every second job will be carried out byrobots – the mfor.hu wrote....

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NGM: retail sales growth of around 5 percent is sustainable

Hungarian retail closed an exceptionally good year in 2015. Such an increase has not seen for more than 10 years – Lenner Áron Márk, Deputy Ministerof State of the National...

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Szallas.hu: domestic tourism grew by 10 percent last year

By surpassing the preliminary expectations, domestic tourism closed last year with a 10 percent expansion. According to the latest forecast of the Szallas.hu portal sent to MTI on Thursday a...

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Excellent grape harvests predicted for Ópusztaszer

If the vineyards will not hit hard by the frost in the rest of the winter and in early spring, this year’s harvest is expected to be cheerful, and a...

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Kopint-Tárki: exports and private consumption can boost economic growth

The completion of the projects of the 2007-2013 EU budgetary cycle may cause smaller fractures in investment, however, exports and private consumption can boost economic growth – Palócz Éva, CEO...

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The decline in US rail freight forecasts an economic slowdown

Railroad cargo in the U.S. dropped the most in six years in 2015, and things aren't looking good for the new year – Bloomberg summons the analysis of Bank of...

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The OKSZ expects an increase in retail sales this year

According to the data released so far it is clear that a retail trade closed a favorable year last year, and the upward trend will continue in 2016 as well...

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The chairman of the Fiscal Council expects a two-three percent increase in the future

The GDP growth can be close to 3 percent this year, in the future 2-3 percent annual economic expansion can be expected – Kovács Árpád, chairman of the Fiscal Council...

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The Kopint-Tárki expects a 2.9 percent growth for this year

The Kopint-Tárki modified its growth forecast for this year to 2.9 percent from the previously forecasted 3 percent. For next year, a slightly lower 2.4 percent of gross domestic product...

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The GKI raised its GDP forecast for next year

The GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. raised its DDP growth forecast for 2016 by 0.3 percentage points, from 2 to 2.3 percent, compared to its September forecast. Investments will decline by 5...

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Analysts expect annual trade surplus of more than 7.5 billion euros

The macroeconomic analysts interviewed by MTI expect an annual trade surplus of more than 7.5 billion euros. The Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Thursday that in January-October this year,...

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Savings Bank: the economy may grow by 2.9 this year, and with 2.4 percent next year

According to the analysts of the Savings Bank, after the 2.9 percent of this year, the Hungarian economy may grow by 2.4 in 2016 and by 2.8 percent in 2017...

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Manpower: unchanged employers hiring mood

The recruitment mood of the Hungarian employers has not changed significantly since the fourth quarter of 2015. In the first quarter of 2016, 14 percent of companies surveyed planned staff...

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The growth rate of the global smartphone market declines below ten percent this year

Growth in the global smartphone market is slowing, and will increase by just 9.8% this year — the first time growth has slowed into the single digits, IDC said Thursday....

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May we run out of coffee? – WWF’s report on the effects of climate change on food

Consumers will feel the harsh impacts of climate change not only in the climate around them but also in their supermarkets where the availability and/or cost of agricultural commodities like...

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Weak global growth in the next two years due to China and the emerging economies

Global growth will be lacklustre over the next two years as the slowdown in China and other emerging markets continues to weigh on the world economy, Moody's Investors Service said...

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Analysts: retail trade may grow by 5-6 percent this year

The macro-analysts of the Savings Bank and the K & H banks expect for a further sustained growth in retail sales. For the whole year a 5-6 percent growth is...

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