Tag "élelmiszeripar"

A book was written about the 70-year history of the MIRELITE brand

The book on the history of the most important periods of Hungarian refrigeration industry hallmarked by the MIRELITE brand was presented at a press conference. This year, the MIRELITE brand...

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Fazekas: the Hungerit is one of the flagships of the Hungarian food industry

The twenty-five years old, Szentes-based Hungerit Zrt. is one of the flagships of the Hungarian food industry – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture said on Friday in Hódmezővásárhely. The Hungerit...

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The share of domestic food products will not increase without the meaningful support for the entire food industry

The National Food Processors Association (ÉFOSZ) organized a public roundtable discussion in Budapest about the challenges and the future of the industry. The food industry players are calling for unity...

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Gallicoop closes this year with a productivity increaing development

Year 2015 at one of the biggest national poultry producer, the Szarvas-based Gallicoop Turkey Processing Co. Ltd. was about development. In addition to the new markets and product groups the...

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Hungary is the guest of honor at the food fair in Sofia

Hungary is the guest of honor at the 14th Sofia International food industry exhibition. At the food fair 16 Hungarian companies are taking part – the Hungarian National Trading House...

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Agricultural exports decreased slightly

The agricultural export balance only moderated slightly in the first seven months of 2015, however, the Russian embargo remains a concern – the Magyar Idők wrote on Tuesday. On the...

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NGM: the structure of industrial production is getting more and more balanced

The structure of industrial production is getting more and more balanced. In addition to the automotive industry, the pharmaceutical and food industries also helped the foreign trade in August –...

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NGM: the expansion of the food industry also contributed to foreign trade

Vehicle exports, as well as the performance expansion of the pharmaceutical and food industries also helped the foreign trade dynamics in the first seven months of 2015 – Marczinkó Zoltán...

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Hungarian food industrial exhibition in Rome

The Hu-Food Day took place at he Hungarian Academy in Rome (RMA) in the Italian capital on Thursday. The goal of the Hu-Food Day was to present yet unknown or...

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Common Agricultural Marketing Code was signed at the OMÉK

The common objective of the Agricultural Marketing Directorate of the Magyar Turizmus Zrt. (Hungarian National Tourist Office) and the 26 state and professional organizations is to introduce, endear and sell...

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The Hungarian Government and Unilever have signed a strategic Cooperation Agreement

The Hungarian Government and the Unilever Hungary Kft. signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement. At the same time in Unilever’s Nyírbátor plant new production lines were put into operation, with an...

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Discount sign up for the Sirha Budapest until 30 September

The Sirha Budapest presents the latest trends of the food, gastronomy, baking and confectionery industry, as well as hotel and restaurant industry between 9 to 11 May 2016. Those companies...

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The tenth Coop Rally starts on Thursday

The Coop Rally is held for the tenth time. Its goal remained unchanged compared to the previous years: to draw attention to the quality Hungarian food products. At the event...

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NAV: The VAT cheaters were unable to scam the ekáer system

The organized criminal group was unable to scam the electronic road freight traffic control system (ekáer) system. The criminals imported a variety of foods to Hungary without the payment of...

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The Farmer Expo was opened in Debrecen

The Farmer Expo, Hungary's largest rural agricultural exhibition and fair was opened in Debrecen on Wednesday at the Agricultural Sciences Faculty of the University of Debrecen. MTI Photo: Czeglédi Zsolt This...

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Brussels is unable to ward off the damages caused by russian food embargo

In parallel with the extended Russian food embargo Brussels also continues its damage mitigating actions. According to many people; in vain. According to the dairy sector participants the EU’s support...

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The Swiss Aryzta AG acquired the Fornetti

The Swiss specialty bakery company Aryzta has acquired the Hungarian pastry shop chain Fornetti – Szabó József, former managing director announced together with Sebastian Gooding, the new managing director of...

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Free trade agreement: the Hungarian food may win

Hungary will win on the world markets with the flavor of its foods. After the signing of the free trade agreement Hungary can even defeat America – Vadász György executive...

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Food should be traceable from the farm to the table

The Association for GMO-free Hungary seeks to make each element of the production transparent among its members – the president of the organization told M1 news channel on Sunday. Zászlós...

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GMO-free trademark for alternative trade supply

The GMO-free Hungary Association seeks to the introduction of GMO-free trademarked products. The association hopes that by the end of the year, early next year, these GMO-free trademarks may appear...

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National Agriculture and Food Exhibition: local products in the focus

2015 is the year of local products at National Agriculture and Food Exhibiton (OMÉK). The event which will take place between 23-27 September implies many significant changes – for instance,...

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Injection moulding machines produced at Wittman Robottechnikai Kft.

By investing approximately 500M HUF in development Wittman Robottechnikai Kft. has begun producing Injection moulding machines – Mosonmagyaróvár based company informed MTI. In order to start producing they have built...

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The Tisza-TK Projekt Kft.builds a grain-processing factory in Tiszapüspöki

The Tisza-TK Projekt Kft. builds a grain-processing factory within a greenfield investment in Tiszapüspöki, near Szolnok. The plant, implemented with a 145 million euros (roughly 45 billion HUF) investment is...

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The leaders of one hundred and fifty Hungarian SMEs discussed with companies in Serbia

The Hungarian-Serbian business forum was surrounded by a high interest. It was organized by the Hungarian National Trading House. At the event, took place with the participation of 150 Hungarian...

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Sixty-five large food companies will be left out of the development support

A total of 65 domestic large food companies in Hungary will not receive development support in the 2015-2020 budget cycle – agrárszektor.hu wrote, on the basis of KSH’s list. The...

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The ÉFOSZ calls for VAT cuts

The National Association of Food Industries welcomes the adoption of the Food Development Strategy – the ÉFOSZ published on its website. The organization considers the government-level recognition of the food...

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Four Hungarian universities have developed food safety curriculum

A food safety curriculum was developed by four Hungarian universities. The participating universities were the Universities of Debrecen, Szeged, Eger and the Western Hungarian University – Jávor András, vice-rector of...

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Jam factory to be established in Környe

A jam factory cooking only pure fruits, and preservative-free and flavoring-free jams will be established in Környe, Komárom-Esztergom county – the owner of the plant informed MTI. Kiprich Zsolt said...

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Rustic Selection from Wiesbauer-Dunahús: great selection is the new trend!

The new plant of the Wiesbauer-Dunahús is used from autumn 2014 in Gönyű. With the new plant, the existing warehouse areas have doubled. The company presents continuously innovative, high-quality, unmistakable...

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The government has adopted a development strategy for the food industry

The government has accepted the Hungarian food industry’s medium and long-term development strategy – announced Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture at a press conference in Budapest on Wednesday. The government...

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