Tag "élelmiszerellátás"

NAK: Don’t accumulate! There will be enough food in Hungary!

Hungary is an agri-industrial country, a serious exporter, and our country’s self-sufficiency is about 120 percent of its basic food. In the current emergency, this has a particular importance: the...

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FAO: Food safety is everyone’s business

Without universal access to safe food, the 2030 Agenda will be impossible to reach. Already, an estimated 600 million people each year fall sick from eating food contaminated with bacteria,...

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Food waste should be reduced

820 million people worldwide are starving and two billion people suffer from malnutrition. To reduce starvation, we first need to reduce food loss and wastage, which also contributes to responsible...

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130 scientific academies are seeking solutions for global food problems

The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), an organization representing the world’s scientific academies, is seeking to put agriculture on new foundations, reduce food waste, treat obesity, malnutrition and starvation and introduce climate...

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(HU) Az MNKSZ-hez igazolt a Reál

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Natural disasters caused 70 billion USD damage to agriculture between 2003 and 2013

About the quarter of the damages caused by natural disasters affect the agricultural sector in developing countries – the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) states in its recent...

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