Tag "élelmiszerbiztonság"

Colorants over limit were found in candy for children

More than permitted quinoline yellow and unlabeled tartrazine dyes were detected by the Slovak authorities in a tongue coloring candy intended for children. The National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih)...

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Nébih suspended the operation of a meat factory in Baranya County

The National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) suspended the operation of a meat plant in Baranya County, and withdrew more than twenty-eight tons of products of the company – the...

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The basics of food safety can be learned during fairytale reading

The educational program of the National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) has been expanded with a new element, an educational storybook. The story titled “Fairy tale with a Birthday” for...

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Food safety: growing confidence, incomplete knowledge

The population is increasingly trusting the food safety authority, but Nébih’s Knowledge Test has also revealed that there is still plenty of room for further information. Laboratorium.hu in its latest...

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Tons of suspicious meat was found in a truck in Békés County

The 12-ton truck loaded with meat products of unknown origin was found by NAV’s staff in Békés County – Index wrote after Beol.hu and NAV. The financial officers carried out...

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The bananas controlled by Nébih were in compliance with the standards

Both the safety and quality aspects and the traceability and labeling requirements were met in case of the 1 “baby”, 3 bio and 10 traditional bananas of 10 chain stores...

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FAO chief says trade has a key role to play in providing good quality, safe and healthy food

International trade is a very important tool for tackling hunger but countries must also guarantee that globally traded food is of good quality, safe and healthy, FAO Director-General José Graziano...

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The EP has adopted a food safety rule

At its plenary session in Strasbourg, the European Parliament adopted new rules to enhance the reliability, transparency and objectivity of the Union’s food safety risk assessment process, so that future...

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AM: less serious violations of the law and less fines in the spring food control

There were fewer serious infringements and the number of fines decreased as well during the seasonal food controls. The quality of the products under control has improved – the Ministry...

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ITM: Consumer Controllers pay special attention to products related to Easter

For the government, the safety of families is particularly important – Kara Ákos, Minister of State of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) emphasized on Wednesday at the press...

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Nébih withdrawn spelled wheat that was mixed with common wheat.

According to Nébih’s Wednesday announcements, a citizen reported that some spelled wheat was mixed with common wheat. Inspectors randomly took four types of samples. Laboratory tests proved the suspicion that...

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Nébih: the most common problem is selling expired food

The sale of expired food is the most common problem encountered by the National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) during inspections – Pleva György, Food and Feed Safety Director of...

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Magazine: Festivals throughout the year!

Festivals attract more and more people, and in recent years the older generation has also discovered them. This is another good reason why festival-goers should be served a wide range...

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Nébih found problems in porridges

Food safety and labeling errors were found in porridge by the National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih). Due to labeling problems, 14 out of 17 products were subject to official...

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The Czech Republic abolishes the laboratory testing of Polish beef

The Czech Republic will cancel the strict control of Polish beef from midnight after Warsaw has given Prague assurances that it has taken appropriate measures to ensure the quality of...

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The spring seasonal food chain control has begun

The spring seasonal food chain control has started – piacesprofit.hu wrote. The national action lasts until the end of the Easter holidays, ie until 22 April. The control series focuses...

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Nébih to built a smart food chain security analysis system

The National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) completed the development of the Intelligent Food Chain Safety Analysis System (Intel) with an investment of 3,805 billion HUF within the Széchenyi 2020...

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Nébih launched an Information site on product recalls

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) launched a new thematic sub-page on which the population can get information on recalled foods – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told MTI...

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Nébih suspended the operations of an illegal kitchen

Due to lack of permission and serious hygiene problems, the National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) suspended the operation of an illegal kitchen in Budapest with immediate effect. According to...

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The Czechs do not trust the Polish food controls

According to the Czech Minister of Agriculture, Prague continues to consider it necessary to strictly control Polish beef, because they do not trust the Polish food control system. In his...

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NAK organizes a series of food hygiene and safety events

The Food Industry Directorate of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economics (NAK) holds a “Food Hygiene and Safety for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises” event at three venues in the context...

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The inspection of beef from Poland was tightened in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic tightened the inspection of beef imported from Poland on Wednesday with immediate effect. Miroslav Toman, Minister of Agriculture at an extraordinary press conference in Prague, announced that...

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Nébih’s Complex Educational Program is successful

The Complex Educational Program of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) is successful. The program seeks to expand food safety knowledge among preschoolers, primary school students and college students...

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Nébih: the number of food-related diseases has moderately reduced in Europe

According to the report of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the number of food-related diseases has moderately reduced in Europe. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) prepares its report...

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Slovenia withdrew 12 tonnes of infected Polish meat from the market

The Slovenian Food Safety Authority withdrew 12 tonnes of infected Polish beef from the market, which arrived to Slovenia in processed kebab form – the local press wrote on Wednesday...

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Tizenhat tonna csirkehúsból készült terméket hívott vissza a Tyson Foods

Mintegy 16 tonna szennyezett, csirkehúsból készült, elősütött terméket hív vissza a Tyson Foods, a világ legnagyobb húsfeldolgozó vállalata, írja az amerikai lapok, például a Huffington Post nyomán az origo. A...

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What goes bad first, the chicken or the egg?

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) did a comprehensive survey among primary school students on food safety. According to a European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) report, in 44.8 percent...

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Magazine: Vegetables perform better than fruits

Vegetables are grown on 83,000-85,000 hectares of land in Hungary, annual production is around 1,900-2,000 thousand tons and this represents a value of HUF 185-190 billion. According to Ferenc Ledó,...

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Nébih found marking errors in case of eight lemon juices

Thirteen lemon juices were tested by the National Food Chain Safety Authority. the juices met the food quality and safety standards, but in 8 cases, due to minor marking errors,...

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Nébih withdrew baby food out of circulation

Because of foreign material resembling plastic, the National Food Chain Safety Agency withdrew some of the items of the OVKO-branded baby dessert without added apple – the National Food Chain...

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