Tag "Egyensúly Intézet"

Threat or opportunity?

Commissioned by Bizalmi Kör and RSM Tax Advisory and Financial Services, a survey has been conducted by the Equilibrium Institute and Impetus Research on the worries and expectations of business...

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VOSZ Barometer: purchasing power drop shocked SMEs in 2023

According to data from the fourth quarter, the VOSZ Barometer Index (a survey commissioned by the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) and conducted and by the Equilibrium Institute)...

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Kilátás alulról

Ritkán találkozhatunk azzal, amikor szinte mindenki hasonlóan vélekedik a kialakult helyzetről. A hazai gazdaságról alkotott vélemények most azonban egy szűk tartományban vannak. A nézetek hasonlósága a sokak számára nyilvánvalóan kedvezőtlen gazdasági...

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Együtt hajóztunk (1. rész)

Az Anglia legyőzésére küldött Spanyol Armada 1588-ban 130 hajóból állt – ehhez képest 2023 szeptemberében Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban közel 1100 fős „hajóhad” gyűlt össze az idei Business Days konferencián....

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Let’s make our cities more attractive!

Everyone is taking it for granted that in the clusters of towns and villages around cities, and in the interconnected residential areas of the agglomeration of the capital city, the...

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VOSZ Barometer: the business mood of SMEs deteriorated somewhat in the second quarter

This year is the year of waiting for SMEs – this can be gleaned from the second quarter analysis of the VOSZ Barometer, whose main indicator decreased by 5 points...

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We told you so – economic perspectives in 2023

When I had a conversation with executives last autumn, many of them were afraid that the then 3.5% unemployment will go up to 10%, and that the inflation rate will...

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(HU) Ott voltunk a (játék)szeren (1. rész)

Between 19 and 23 September, the Trade Playground was full: Trade magazine organised its Business Days conference for the 15th time. Almost 900 decision-makers gathered from the HoReCa and FMCG...

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Megatrend Index: It is hard to be optimistic

Equilibrium Institute has prepared its Megatrend Index for the second time. At the last meeting of Trade magazin’s Chain Bridge Club Ákos Kozák, the institute’s director of business relations and...

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(HU) Megatrend Index – nem sokat fejlődött hazánk az elmúlt években

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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