Tag "diótermesztés"

Chamber of Agriculture: Demand for walnuts is picking up, plantation size has increased

The demand for walnuts, the indispensable raw material for Christmas bejgli, zserbó and hókifli, will pick up at the end of the year. According to the overview of the National...

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With intensive cultivation technology, the market for domestic walnuts can rise again

There is a demand for domestic walnuts, but for successful cultivation, a change of attitude is needed on domestic plantations – it was said at the walnut trade day organized...

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Walnut production is increasingly popular

The production area of the Hungarian walnut grows continuously as the domestic varieties have a market gap due to their age. The walnut conference held in Lengyeltóti also revealed that...

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Less than average walnuts grown this year

The nut producers could harvest only half of the average yield this year. Mainly the late spring frosts are responsible for the poor yield, but an insect specie also damaged...

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