Tag "diákmunka"

How much student work can be used to earn the money for a festival ticket? – An expert answers

This year’s summer vacation is already in full swing and with it the student work season, the number of applications peaks during this period. At the same time, the period...

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The festival season has started: students are also more active in their job search

This year’s summer vacation and the accompanying student work season are already in full swing, and the number of applications peaks during this period. At the same time, the period...

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Profession.hu: The season of casual jobs has started

The beginning of the season of casual jobs can be dated to the end of spring: from the second half of May, job advertisements recruiting for this type of assignment...

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How do factories solve seasonal labor shortages?

In Hungary, the rules prescribed by the Labor Code apply to employees in the company’s own staff and temporary workers, including foreigners, when granting holidays. From an HR point of...

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NAV: the same tax rules apply to students taking up summer work as to other employees

The same rules apply to the reporting and taxation of students who undertake summer work – with the exception of work undertaken through the student cooperative – as for other...

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More than HUF 300 million in support for the summer student work program in Békés county

This year, more than 1,500 full-time students and university students between the ages of 16 and 25 can undertake summer student work in July-August in Békés County; for the implementation...

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This year, student workers can expect a gross hourly wage of 1,500-2,500

Only a few more weeks and the summer vacation is here, which for thousands of students would mean cloudless freedom and study-free weekdays. But there are people who want to...

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Registration for this year’s Summer Student Work Program has begun

Since 2013, the government has been announcing the Summer Student Work Program with unbroken success, for which eligible persons can apply for a HUF 3.8 billion budget this year –...

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Student earnings are no longer small change

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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What motivates student workers?

The opportunity to earn money is the most important motivation in the lives of students who take up work, the vast majority of whom have already heard, worked or are...

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That’s how much student workers are paid these days, it’s worth employing them

The 2024 publication of the Tudatos Diák Wage Survey paints a uniquely detailed picture of students’ wages, working conditions and career opportunities, highlighting aspects that have so far received little...

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On average, Hungarian students can receive a gross hourly wage of HUF 1,763

The proportion of job opportunities looking for students in relation to the total number of advertisements in the Profession.hu database has increased. Based on the first five months of 2023,...

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Sándor Czomba: 26-27 thousand students are expected to participate in this year’s Summer Student Work program

This year, the Ministry of Economic Development expects the participation of about 26,000-27,000 students in the Summer Student Work Program, for which the government has provided HUF 3.5 billion in...

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The majority of student workers are employed in trade, catering and agriculture

This summer season, based on estimates, 100,000 students nationwide can take up jobs in a number of fields, from commerce to catering to industry and agriculture – the Meló-Students school...

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The Ministry of Economic Development draws attention to the rules of student work

The Ministry of Economic Development’s announcement on Monday draws attention to the regulations regarding the work of students. According to the Labor Code, the general rule is that anyone over...

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Businesses operating in agriculture, tourism or catering receive support for student work

Even in the severe economic situation caused by the war and the failed sanctions, the government is doing everything to protect families, pensioners, and jobs. Since 2010, the government has...

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Most student workers work in logistics and trade

According to the Prohuman Diákmunka school association, the average hourly wages of student workers are between HUF 1,700 and HUF 2,000 this year, but in priority areas, you can earn...

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Logistics, catering and trade – these are the best paying student jobs

Based on the data of the ELTE-Trenkwalder School Association, the average hourly wage for summer student jobs advertised so far in agriculture is HUF 1,400, while production, logistics, catering and...

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Student workers are also needed in the fields of tourism, catering and agriculture

Students between the ages of 16 and 25 who are studying full-time, who are not currently employed, and who do not have a business relationship can register for the Summer...

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TIM: almost all registered students are already working

16-25-year-olds who received government wage subsidies for vacation employment have been able to apply since mid-June and will start working from the beginning of July. So far, 19,312 high school...

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Companies are looking for more student workers online for the summer than ever before

More and more advertisements are being published on Hungary’s most visited thematic job portal. Compared to the previous year, the number of advertised positions increased the most in the areas...

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Student workers prefer flexible working hours, according to a survey

The main motivation for young people to take up student work is to earn money, but flexible working hours are the most important aspect when choosing a job, Work Force...

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Profession.hu: the number of job advertisements for students has almost quadrupled this year

Between January and August this year, almost four times as many job advertisements recruiting students appeared on Profession.hu as in 2020, the job portal told MTI on Tuesday based on...

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1.5 billion HUF for the student work program this year

The government spends 1.5 billion HUF on the summer student work program program this year – Varga Mihály, Minister for Economic Affairs announced on Wednesday. The summer student work program...

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Forrás – a reliable source

Forrás Áruház Kft. is in 100-percent Hungarian ownership. They operate three C+C stores in Ebes, Miskolc and Nyíregyháza with great success. Managing director Tibor Kerekes told our magazine that Forrás...

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Thousands of student employees are also affected by the Sunday store closure

The experts of the euCSOPORT complex HR services group have prepared to the labor market challenges that will arise in connection with the Sunday closing hours. The mandatory Sunday closure...

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