Tag "cseresznye"

The producer price of cherries is 14 percent lower

According to Eurostat data, the EU is a net importer of fresh cherries: the delivered quantity changed to 52.6 thousand tons (+108 percent), the exported volume to 10.8 thousand tons...

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NAK – FruitVeb: from the beginning of June, even more cherries will be on the market

Thanks to the early varieties, the cherry season started early, but a larger quantity can be expected on the domestic market from the beginning of June – the National Chamber...

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The domestic cherries are ripening. The popular fruit will soon be available in larger quantities on the markets

The domestic cherry season started earlier than usual, the picking of the early varieties started already in mid-May, but a larger quantity of the popular fruit will be on the...

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The cherry harvest is plentiful, but prices remain high

The first weeks of the cherry season paint a positive picture of this year’s production in Hungary. Ferenc Apáti, the president of the FruitVeB Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Association and...

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The cherry season has started with low prices, a good harvest is not expected

This year, the cherry season started at low prices at the end of May, which, according to experts, shows a similar trend to the price development of the strawberry market....

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Overview of the beginning of the cherry season: under very heterogeneous conditions, a slightly better than average harvest is expected

Major frost damage and plant protection problems avoided the cherry plantations. In addition to the better-than-average quantity, the smaller fruit size can cause (mainly sales) problems. By harvesting the early...

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Cherry clusters – Video of the day

It’s fantastic to look at, you just have to try it!...

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A smaller harvest of cherries is also expected due to the spring frost

There are far fewer cherries than average this year, the spring frosts took 40-50% of the crop, and due to the heavy rains of the past few weeks, many ripe...

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Fruitveb: the rainy weather was bad for cherry

The rainy weather, especially in Transdanubia, was not good for the cherries, Fruitveb told MTI on Friday. The interbranch organization explained that the cherries are sensitive to precipitation before ripening,...

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The price of cherries increased significantly

Vendors can ask for up to 1,300 forints per kilogram of Hungarian cherries at the Budapest Wholesale Market, which is almost twice the price of 600-720 forints per kilogram of...

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FruitVeB: this year’s cherry crop will be poor

Due to the spring frosts and drought, this year’s cherry harvest will be significantly lower, and the consumer price may be up to 20-30 percent higher than the average of...

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FruitVeB: cherry crop can fall below 10,000 tons

Due to the heavy rainfall, fewer than 10,000 tons of cherry can be produced in Hungary, so it can be more expensive than last year – the director of the...

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The cherry season has begun

Because of the warm spring weather, the harvest of the early cherry types has begun. This year the volume of fruit can reach 20,000 tonnes – the National Chamber of...

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Agrarian Chamber: The Cherry Season begins

The Cherry Season begins and the most popular variety is traditionally the Germersdorf’s giant, the Biggarreau Burlat and the Van. The price of fruit is likely to be affected by...

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Hungarian bred fruits perform well in Chile

The Magyar Kertészeti Szaporítóanyag Nonprofit Kft. (MKSZN) presented the latest bred cherries and cherry types of at this year’s cherry and sour cherry meeting in the Elvira Major in Érd....

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The majority of the cherry from Nagykörű to be exported to Romania this year

Exports to neighboring countries increased significantly from the internationally renowned Nagykörű cherry this year, meanwhile the interest towards the West European markets declined – Veres Nándor, mayor of Nagykörű told...

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