Tag "családi vállalkozások"

János Lázár: family businesses can be the engine of the Hungarian economy

The engine of the Hungarian economy can be those family businesses with growth potential, the Minister of Construction and Transport declared on Thursday in Szeged. János Lázár added at the...

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My successor is ahead of me: only a third of family companies survive the generational change

The number of family businesses in Hungary now exceeds 150,000, and their economic importance is enormous, as they account for about a fifth of domestic companies with billions in sales....

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Biggest family businesses keep going strong

Family businesses are growing faster than the global economy – reveals the latest Global Family Business Index ranking by EY and the University of St. Gallen. On the Top 500 list...

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Magazine: Thirty years

SPAR Hungary opened its first supermarket in Tata in 1991 and today we operate a 588-store network – 324 SPAR supermarkets, 23 City SPAR supermarkets and 34 INTERSPAR stores –...

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Magazine: Hungarian retail performed better than the EU’s average

Trade magazin interviewed László Krisán, CEO of KAVOSZ Zrt. – a company working in support of entrepreneurial development.  How does the concentration process of retail trade influence the operations of...

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Magazine: How can a family business be successful?

According to Ákos Ékes, family business specialist of K&H Bank, family-owned enterprises contribute nearly 50 percent of the country’s GDP. Thanks to their set of values and attitude, they are also...

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KPMG: European family businesses are optimistic

Despite the low growth environment and difficulties in the labor market, the European family businesses are flexible and successful – according to KPMG’s survey. The leaders of family businesses believe...

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Forbes list of the largest Hungarian family businesses

On the list of the Hungarian family businesses compiled by the Hungarian edition of the Forbes magazine's latest issue, the Kasza-family from Jászberény overtook Csányi Sándor. The list was published...

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