Tag "CETIN Hungary"

CETIN Hungary closed a successful year

CETIN Hungary Zrt. successfully closed its third full business year. The independent, integrated telecommunications infrastructure provider significantly increased its investments, sales and profits. The company plans to spend nearly HUF...

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CETIN Hungary and the University of Pécs enter into cooperation

The independent, integrated telecommunications infrastructure provider CETIN Hungary Zrt. and the Faculty of Technology and Informatics of the University of Pécs will cooperate in three priority areas in the future:...

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This is how the girls choose their careers

Most of the time, the choice of career is made by the time of high school, and due to the lack of a supportive environment, fewer girls choose the technical-technological...

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CETIN Hungary and Széchenyi István University agreed on comprehensive cooperation

CETIN Hungary Zrt. and Széchenyi István University in Győr have concluded a strategic cooperation agreement. Within the framework of the complex partnership, CETIN donates mobile communication tools to the university...

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