Tag "Café Communications"

The coronavirus changes the Hungarian and regional advertising market

Mainly due to state advertising spending – which was 10 percent higher in 2019 than a year earlier – the domestic advertising market, which was still soaring last year, is...

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PICK’s new campaign film invites you to grill

PICK’s new August film, made by Café Communications, presents the moments of family grilling and the excitement that goes with it. Campaign goal: To support the introduction of PICKOLINO Hot...

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A spectacular flavors in the campaign of the 150-year-old PICK

PICK has launched its communication campaign with the successful PICKOLINO campaign, backed by appetizing macro images. The apropos of the current image campaign is twofold, as the brand is celebrating...

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Success stories of farmers featured in the OTP Agrár campaign

After Szarvasi Mozzarella and Pankotai Zrt., it is now Lipóti Bakery’s turn to star in the OTP Agrár communication campaign, which was launched last June and explains why agri-food businesses...

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