Tag "Brexit"

Britain is looking for commercial opportunities in Africa

African and London analysts both question that British trade with Africa in some way could replace the downturn that is expected in the British trade after Brexit – Financial Times...

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Brexit will affect the Hungarian pet food production

Britain is the 10th most important export partner for Hungary, especially for pet food manufacturers. Fodder, pet treats and other products made for pets are almost one-fifth of our agricultural...

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London analysts: it may cost a thousand pounds per household if the EU duty-free status ceases

London’s financial analysts say that if, after the expiration of the British EU membership, customs duties appear in the UK’s and the European Union’s total duty-free trade it will cost...

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The British government plans to replace migrant workers with prisoners

The British government suggested that because of the labor shortage due to Brexit, the migrant workers would be replaced with prisoners in agriculture. However, the producers reject the idea, as...

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British agrarian federations will also need EU labor after Brexit

In a joint open letter, the British government has been asked by more than one hundred British federal associations on Monday to ensure that the industry can use EU citizens...

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British business minister: there will be a customs agreement with the EU

The head of the British business ministry says there will be a customs agreement between Britain and the European Union after the expiration of the British EU membership. Greg Clark,...

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The Lurpak Dairy Company is in a difficult position due to the Brexit

The Danish company has to implement cost savings of at least 400 million euros, because Britain, one of Lurpak’s biggest consumers, will leave the European Union and this will be...

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It would be a disaster for the British food industry to miss the trade agreement

It would have “catastrophic” consequences for the British food industry if Britain would quit the European Union next year without a trade agreement – according to the comprehensive study of...

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The Brexit brings food price increases to the British

One of the expected impacts of Brexit will be that most of the prices will rise in Great Britain thanks to the free flow of goods from EU countries –...

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Britain scores an own goal

In the United Kingdom almost 60 percent of the members of the ruling Conservative Party want PM Theresa May to resign, after the party lost the majority of their seats...

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A “barista visa” may come after Brexit

The United Kingdom plans to introduce a “barista visa” in order to find a solution to the projected serious labor shortages in the catering industry after the Brexit. The ‘barista...

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Brexit – British food sector: a free trade agreement with the EU is essential

According to the British food producer and retail networks, the sector will definitely need a free trade agreement with the European Union after the termination of the British EU membership....

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Brexit: the Cadbury chocolate may be smaller

Cadbury has said it may have to raise prices or shrink the size of its products after Brexit, but has committed to staying in the UK. Glenn Caton, who is...

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Without foreign workers British food would be more expensive

The UK’s largest food companies, according to higher prices and less choice than at present would gain food to British consumers if the sector could not be free of foreign...

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British Retail Consortium: The “Hard Brexit” may cause substantial customs charges

According to the British Retail Consortium (BRC), the “hard Brexit” may cause substantial customs charges, thus making imports more expensive. The “Hard Brexit” means that Britain would not only leave...

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Kopint-Tárki: GDP may grow by 2.2 this year and 2.7 percent next year

According to the lastest forecast of the Kopint-Tárki Zrt., the Hungarian economy may grow by 2.2 this year and by 2.7 percent next year. The government deficit this year may...

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The British traders would return to the ” traditional” units of measurement

More and more grocers and butchers across Britain are demanding the right to go back to using traditional British units of measurement after Brexit. The British Weights and Measures Association...

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Euro zone’s economic growth has accelerated

Euro zone’s economic performance increased with a slightly faster pace in July. It seems that the region got over quickly over Brexit – the Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) of the...

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McDonald's is not scared of Brexit

The McDonald's restaurant chain remains committed towards operating in the UK, so in the near future plans to set up 5,000 new jobs – portfolio.hu wrote after Reuters. Paul Pomroy,...

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A decrease in the economic performance of the euro area

A less than expected decrease occured in the economic performance of the euro area, but the preliminary data of the Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) is standing in July on its...

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Brexit slows the growth of the world economy

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects a slower growth in the world economy, because the Brexit will have an impact not only in the UK but in the developed European...

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German and Euro Zone business sentiment deteriorated heavily

As the result of the Brexit business sentiment worsened in Germany and in the euro zone in July much stronger-than-expected – according to the Mannheim-based ZEW (Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung)...

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The Brexit and the British supermarket chains

The British-owned supermarket chains – such as Tesco and Marks & Spencer – may be affected badly with the effect of weakening pound caused by the Brexit and more expensive...

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The British agriculture after the Brexit

Cheap labor may lost, but regulations will be more permissive. For the time being only guessing is taking place about the future of the British farmer after the Brexit. The...

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Fazekas: Great Britain is an important agricultural market for Hungary

The Minister of Agriculture is confident that the Hungarian products will reach the British market even after the termination of in Britain's EU membership. Fazekas Sándor told MTI that detailed...

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MNB: the decline in vulnerability reduces the risks in Hungary

The fact that Hungary’s vulnerability considerably decreased in the past years reduces the risks that will occur because of the Brexit. The outcome of the British referendum caused volatility in...

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