Tag "bor"

The sales price of wine rose by five percent

The sales price of domestically produced wines increased by more than five percent per hectolitre in 2017, compared to the previous year’s prices – agrarszektor.hu wrote. While the Hungarian wine...

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Furmint February Great Tasting with the wines of a hundred exhibitors

The visitors can taste more than 150 wines of a hundred exhibitors at the Furmint February Great Tasting on the International Day of Furmint on 1 February, at the Hungarian...

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The renovated winery centers of Etyek were handed over

The refurbished winery centers of Etyek were handed over on Friday. The government investment was the first realized part of the Pannónia Szíve (Pannonia’s Heart) tourism development program. Tessely Zoltán,...

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The Wines of Debrecen were showcased

More wineries than ever entered into the Wine of Debrecen City this year. For the first time, not only white and red wines, but also champagnes could be entered into...

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The Tokaji Aszú Day became official

From now, the International Tokaji Aszú Day will be held on 10 December – the matusz-vad.hu wrote. Our treasure – “the wine of the kings, the king of wines” –...

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Wine consumption is great in the festive season

According to Varga Winery, Christmas has a great significance to the Hungarian wineries as well. During these weeks a lot more bottles are sold than usual, there are days when...

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Wine market panorama before the holidays

The annual turnover from wine sales amounts to 7.5 billion forints, which comes from the sales of 9.5 million bottles – SPAR told Világgazdaság. 20 percent of the sales are...

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The international aszú day to be celebrated for the first time this year

The international aszú day aims to draw attention to one of the best sweet wines of the world. The international aszú day is celebrated on 10 December this year. The...

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Szőke Mátyás has become the Wine Producer of the Year in 2017

Szőke Mátyás from the Mátra has become the Wine Producer of the Year in Hungary in 2017. In the nomination phase of the prize, more than 630 specialists, restaurant owners,...

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This is how we drink our wine

The Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) and the National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) have developed the new marketing communication strategy for Hungarian wines together. Both organisations have had market research done,...

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The world’s best wine producing areas are in the greatest trouble

This year as little wine was produced in the world as in 1961 – the Paris-based Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV) announced. The downturn is mainly due to bad...

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FM: wine exports increased

In the first eight months of the year, the value of wine exports increased by 20 percent and its volume increased by 31.5 percent, compared to the same period of...

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Hungarian wine is among the best wines of the world

One of the world’s leading wine magazines the Wine Enthusias published its Top 100 list on Tuesday. The 2009 vintage 5-butt Aszú wine of the Dereszla Winery has reached the...

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Bordeaux November Great Tasting with the wines of sixty wineries

Almost two hundred wines of sixty Carpathian Basin Exhibitors await the winelovers to the Corinthia Hotel Budapest on Saturday at the Bordeaux November Wine Tasting of Winelovers on Saturday. Cabernet...

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Mitiszol: A festival of natural drinks and food in the Millenáris Park

More than 100 natural wines of nearly 30 producers from eleven wine regions can be tasted at the 7th Mitiszol (What You Drink?) Festival on Saturday at the Millenáris Park,...

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The largest winery in the Eger wine region was built in Feldebrő

The Varga Winery’s new winery was inaugurated in Feldebrő in the Eger wine region. With the development, the storage capacity of the winery was increased to 8.1 million liters, of...

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The traces of “the oldest wine of the world” were found in eight thousand years old pots

Canadian scientists found 8,000-year-old pottery fragments that have revealed the earliest evidence of grape wine-making. The jars containing wine compound residues that were found in two sites south of the...

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The National Wine Treasury Program was launched

The National Wine Treasury Program has begun, which will be a unique preservation process in the history of Hungarian winery – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture said on Tuesday in...

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7th Márton-day Wine Festival at the Hotel Gellért

Around a hundred wineries, breweries and menus of star chefs are also waiting for the visitors of the 7th Márton-Day Wine Festival at the Hotel Gellért in Budapest from Thursday...

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New, fresh, young – 5 new winemakers were introduced to Junibor in 2017

Five new members joined Junibor in 2017 and Gál Tibor was elected as new president. The presidency has also been transformed. The message is clear: Junibor is still the most...

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Somogyi Wine Festival will be held in Kaposvár

Thirteen wineries will be presented at the 1st Somogyi Wine Festival, which will be held on Tuesday in Kaposvár to promote the county’s wines – the Press Council of the...

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The development of the Winery of the Juhász Brothers is a measure of the success of the sector

The impressive development of the Winery of the Juhász Brothers in the Eger Wine Region shows the success of the Hungarian grape and wine sector –the Minister of Agriculture said...

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Wine-tasting world championship

Last weekend the Hungarian team finished 7th in the final of the Championnat du monde de degustation, the wine-tasting world championship organised in France. Teams had to identify 12 types of...

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Young Sommelier World Championship

At the end of September Budapest hosted the Young Sommelier World Championship of Chaine des Rotisseurs. Competitors had to be younger than 31 years. Three young sommeliers qualified for the final, where...

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Less wine produced in France than ever before in the last sixty years

This year less wine will be made in France than ever before in the last 60 year. In volume a 19-percent decline is expected: 36.9 million hectolitres of wine will...

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Storm and frost decimates French vine production

French vine production was hit by several bad factors this year: summer frost in Bordeaux, summer storms in Champagne have sprouted grapes, so experts expect a 20 percent drop in...

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Global wine production hits 50-year low

Due to the bad weather conditions in western Europe, this year’s world wine production is expected to decrease by 8 percent reaching decades-long lows, according to a survey of the...

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The whole and the parts

Good news for the Hungarian hospitality sector: the new marketing concept of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) also includes the culinary sector. Hungarian wines and gastronomy can’t be separated the goal...

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Fazekas: the quality of Hungarian wines continues to improve

Thanks to the Wine Excellence Program, the quality of Hungarian wines is constantly improving – the Minister of Agriculture said at a press conference in Budaörs. Fazekas Sándor at the...

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Fazekas: Hungarian wines can be appreciated due to the loss of grape production in three European countries

As in Hungary, the extreme weather also had an impact on grapes in Spain, Italy and France. As a result, 10 to 20 percent less grapes will be produced, which...

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