Tag "bírság"

The FÁÜ appealed due to the GVH fine

The Fővárosi Ásványvíz és Üdítőipari (FÁÜ) Zrt initiated an action against the Hungarian Competition Authority’s (GVH) decision in which the GVH imposed a 40 million HUF fine on the company...

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The competition authority imposed fines due to dietary supplements

Several companies have given misleading information about certain dietary supplements that are containing devil's tongue extract (glucomannan). The agency on Tuesday informed that the proposed daily doses of the Celsus...

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Million HUF fine for the marketing of fake foie gras

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) obliged a company immediate to recall its frozen duck liver products labeled as foie gras. More than two tonnes products were placed under...

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Online cash registers: the NAV imposed two billion HUF fines

Due to abuses in terms of online cash registers, the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) imposed two billion HUF fines – the Világgazdaság Online wrote after Magyar Idők. Kis...

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The carriers can avoid the series of fines

The carriers activated the fine alarm function in more than ten thousand registered accounts in the electronic road toll system (HU-GO) since 15 July, but it is only 15 percent...

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Consumer protection fines may decrease if the company is trying to comply with the law

The Competition Authority (GVH) can soften the fines in consumer protection cases, if the business justify its substantive efforts to ensure regulatory compliance – the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) on...

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NAV: hundreds of millions HUF fines due to shipments without ekáer number

The National Tax and Customs Authority (NAV) is expected to impose a fine of more than one hundred million HUF on two companies in Budapest. The two companies did not...

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The Spanish shipment arrived to Hungary instead of Romania

According to the transport documents, the truckload of Spanish fruit and vegetables should have been transported to Romania, not to Hungary. The ekáer Working Group of the National Tax and...

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The NAV seized more than half a million bottles of spirits

More than half a million bottles of spirits were seized by the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) at a beverage wholesaler. The wholesaler was previously fined for 100 million...

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Nébih: the majority of producers follow the rules

According to the experiences of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) in the last two years, the majority of farmers (80-90 percent) became the follower of rules – Helik...

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The Nébih imposed fines of 16 million HUF during the Easter controls

During the 3800 tests of the Easter controls, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) imposed fines of 16 million HUF in 148 cases – the Nébih told MTI on...

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The Romanian consumer protection objected the “Székely Flavors' product labels

The Romanian consumer protection authority obligated a meat company to replace its “Székely flavors” labels – the Krónika Transylvanian Hungarian newspaper published on Friday. The article quoted the communication of...

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