Tag "biotermék"

Price Difference Between Organic And Conventional Food Narrows, Study Finds

The price difference between organic and conventional food items has reduced from 63% to 48% over the past five years in the Netherlands, according to a new survey by the...

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Hungarian producers can partially fill the gap in the market of organic products

Ukraine and Russia are also major producers in Europe of a wide variety of field crops, especially wheat and oilseeds. The two countries, according to their weight, also produce large...

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The demand for organic products in Europe is growing exponentially

Demand for organic products is growing exponentially across Europe, to which production must adapt, the Research Institute for Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi) told MTI on Monday. The institution urged the expansion...

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(HU) ITM: bizonyíthatóan zöld úton jár a zöld termékek zöme

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Young people can learn organic gardening in school eco-gardens

Already in Hungary, more and more people want healthy lifestyle and healthy eating. Some people are driven by their sensitivities and allergies in the direction of paying more attention to...

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ITM checks the green rating of hair care products after face creams

On behalf of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM), the packaging of shampoos, conditioners, hair regenerations and hair dyes are chacked – ITM announced on Friday. There are more...

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SIÓ has introduced a new BIO product family

The most popular fruits are returned in the new SIÓ NATURA BIO products available from February. The 100% fruit product line is available in apple and apple-peach flavors. The products...

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The field of organic farming is significantly expanding in Hungary

The expansion of the size of the area involved in organic farming in Hungary is significant – the Ecological Agricultural Research Institute (ÖMKi) told MTI. The organization found from the...

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Cereal Partners UK rolls out organic honey Cheerios

Cereal Partners UK – the makers of Nestlé cereals in the United Kingdom – is to launch organic honey and chocolate Cheerios. The new product is Cheerios’ entrance into Britain’s...

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Organic young shoppers

The latest research by Packaged Facts claims that members of generations Y and Z like organic and natural products the most. They think these products represent a higher quality. Even...

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Demand towards organic products is growing in Europe

Demand is bigger towards organic products in the richer Western European countries, on the one hand and on the other hand, they are more capable of supporting organic farming, which...

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Several billion HUF to be allocated to agricultural marketing

The agricultural marketing program for the next three years is ready. The government would allocate the program with a total of about 6-7 billion HUF from domestic and EU funds....

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