Tag "betakarítás"

The barley is already in the granaries

This year, due to the dry and warm weather, the harvest of fall-sown field crops started about two weeks earlier than usual, and it continues continuously even in the heat:...

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The harvest is going on, let’s be careful on the roads!

The harvest is taking place all over the country, which is why there are more agricultural machinery in traffic, which requires increased attention from all drivers – Minister of Agriculture...

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Maize production may increase slightly at the EU level

In the May projection of the International Grains Council (IGC), the 2024/2025 indicates a global corn harvest of 1,220 million tons, which is 5 million tons less than last year....

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Blueberry Harvest in Oregon – Video of the Day

You could even go water skiing on the cranberries during harvest!...

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As spring approaches, more and more domestic vegetables are available in stores

Domestic lettuce and spring onions are available on the market almost all year round, but larger quantities are available in early spring, when imported goods are replaced by domestic produce...

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Historical subsidies help agriculture

Last year, we set a new record, as the amount of agricultural subsidies successfully applied for and paid out exceeded HUF 1,300 billion in total – Minister of Agriculture István...

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The average yield of potatoes is 25 percent higher than in 2022

The sunflower harvest was almost completely completed by November, 99.9 percent of the sown area was harvested, and 2 million tons of sunflowers were harvested from a total of 676.1...

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The autumn harvesting work is completed

 The autumn harvest work has been completed in our country. The difficult grain market situation caused by Ukraine’s grain exports to Europe left its mark on the harvest, so the Hungarian...

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60 percent of the corn was harvested in Zala county

More than 60 percent of the corn was harvested in the county of Zala, the average yield per hectare in the 15,500-hectare area was 8.9 tons, the county president of...

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Agrometeorology: soil replenishment with moisture in autumn and winter is progressing well

The autumn-winter recharge of the soils is progressing well, in addition to the soil layers close to the surface, moisture also reached the lower layers in the rainy weather of...

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In an increasingly smaller area, fewer and fewer potatoes are grown

According to KSH data, the area under cultivation and the amount of potatoes produced show a decreasing trend: in 2022, 17 percent less potatoes (199.2 thousand tons) were produced than...

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The autumn harvest in Békés county has ended

The autumn harvest in Békés county has ended. Farmers are unhappy because of the low purchase prices and the damage caused by overgrown pucks.   The harvesting of sunflowers and...

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It is still not too late to announce the agrotechnical operations/second sowings

Today, the Hungarian State Treasury will start preparing and sending out to customers the fifth round of information letters related to the 2023 unified application, and also the last one...

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Today we are going out to dig – Video of the day

There are places where they are picked, there are places where they are dug, there are places where the potatoes are harvested – whatever the process is called, it is...

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The production area and yield of garlic is also decreasing

According to KSH data, the cultivation area and yield of garlic shows a decreasing trend: the yield was between 5.2 and 7.9 thousand tons in the last five years, in...

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Agrometeorology: the developing canola would need rain a lot

The developing rapeseed needs a lot of rain, but the cold front arriving on Sunday will bring only little precipitation, and morning frosts are expected again in the first half...

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AM: most of the sunflowers have already been harvested

Based on the latest report of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy, the readiness for harvesting sunflowers produced on 676,000 hectares this year has risen to 92 percent and has...

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Agrometeorology: at the beginning of next week, the first autumn frosts may appear in frost-prone areas

Favorable, mostly dry weather for harvesting continues, but the first autumn frost may appear on Monday, the National Meteorological Service wrote in its agrometeorological analysis on Thursday. Although several weather...

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Autumn harvest situation

Based on the latest report of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy, the readiness of the sunflower harvest, which was produced on 676 thousand hectares this year, has risen to...

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Agrometeorology: canola would need a lot of rain

Rapeseed would need a lot of rainfall, because the sown seeds do not germinate in the dry soil in many places, or only with difficulty, the National Meteorological Service wrote...

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Harvesting of sunflowers and corn has begun in Békés County

Sunflower and corn harvesting has begun in Békés County, the harvest results are below expectations – it was announced at the Békés County Harvest Coordination Committee’s meeting on Tuesday. Sunflowers...

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The quality of the wine grapes harvested so far in the Villány wine region is excellent

The harvest of typical blue grape varieties harvested so far in the Villány wine region, where the harvest until the end of October is currently in full swing, is average...

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We can be a decisive player in European tomato processing

Farmers engaged in industrial tomato production expect a good harvest this year as well. The success of the sector in recent years is well exemplified by the fact that products...

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This year, GOSZ-VSZT is also helping farmers with objective variety test results

The national post-registration trial of winter wheat and winter cabbage rape has come to an end. The organizers published the results of the objective survey in 2023 in summary publications for...

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Sunflower harvesting begins in Zala county

At the beginning of September, the harvesting of sunflowers produced on 9,000 hectares will begin in the Zala county, the county president of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK)...

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This year, 12.5 percent more corn can be harvested in the EU than last year

 In the August projection of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the 2022/2023. 2023/2024 indicates a global corn harvest of 1,214 million tons, exceeding the economic year by 5...

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Wheat becomes life

Without the establishment of the sovereign, Christian Hungarian state founded by Saint István, today we would not be able to provide help to farmers in the organized way they expect...

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Harvesting has been completed in most places

The head of the ministry drew attention to the fact that the significant amount of precipitation that fell in the last week made harvesting work difficult and stopped. Unharvested grain has...

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The protein content of wheat harvested in the EU until mid-July is good

In its July forecast, the International Grains Council (IGC) indicates 784 million tons in 2023/2024. expected global wheat harvest in the economic year. This output may be 20 million tons...

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The domestic melon takes everything

Melon harvesting began in the first half of July, and the fruit is of excellent quality this year as well. And by consuming domestic products, we support the livelihood of...

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