Tag "béremelés"

GKI: wage increase prospects for the next year

The low level of wages in Hungary is becoming a more acute problem. While the employees feel the severity of the problem for a long, the employers are beginning to...

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An agreement was born on next year's wages

On Tuesday, the government agreed with the social partners over the next two years’, minimum wage increase and contribution reduction. Due to the agreement, the Minister of National Economy expects...

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Hungarian National Retail Federation: the minimum wage increase may cause problems to the SME sector

The government’s planned minimum wage increase may cause serious problems to the small and medium enterprises (SME) sector in 2017 – the Hungarian National Retail Federation called attention on Friday....

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The Auchan Magyarország invests 1.5 billion HUF into wage increase in 2017

The Auchan Magyarország Kft. and the Commercial Employees' Union signed an agreement under the company will carry out a wage increase from 1 November 2016 on the field of retail,...

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The trade association proposes to establish a fund to support the retention of labor force

The Hungarian National Retail Federation (MNKSZ) welcomes the fact that the government is examining the possibility to establish a fund to support the retention of labor force. The MNKSZ responded...

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Hefty pay raise at Lidl

Lidl Hungary’s blue-collar workers saw their salary increase by 5 percent as of 1 March and the discount supermarket chain decided to top that with another 15-percent increase from 1...

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The Lidl increases the salaries of its employees by 20 percent

In line with the Government's efforts, the Lidl Magyarország performs the largest wage increase in the commercial sector. As the first step of the 2016 development process, the wages of...

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KSH: the wage growth continued to accelerate in March

In March, the average gross earnings were 6.6, while net earnings were 8.2 percent higher than a year ago. Public workers adjusted, the average gross earnings were 7.2 while net...

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Significant wage increase at Tesco

A significant, an average, a 15 percent wage increase will take pace in the Tesco supermarkets from 1 July. The wage of those employees who work for the skilled worker...

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Wage increase from Carrefour in Romania

Carrefour Romania significantly increased employee wages and announced that they will also get EUR 44 worth of food vouchers every month, which they can redeem in Carrefour hypermarkets. Wages will...

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The rise in real wages continues

Employers and employees are negotiating about wage increase levels that will bring real wage increases, while the continued low inflation could also contribute to the further growth of real wages...

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Analysts: real wages will rise slower due to inflation

According to analysts polled by MTI, the real wages will increase slower, due to the rising inflation. According to the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) published on Tuesday,...

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