Tag "bankrendszer"

Moody’s: a stable outlook for the Hungarian and most European banking systems

The outlook for the Hungarian and most European banking systems is stable, as European economies are expected to continue to recover from the shock of the coronavirus pandemic, although the...

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MNB: the shock resilience ability of the Hungarian banking system remains strong

The shock resilience of the Hungarian banking system remains strong, and the institutions of the domestic banking system would meet regulatory expectations even in the event of a significant negative...

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MNB: a bankrendszer több mint kétszeresen teljesítette kkv-hitelezési vállalását

Az MNB piaci hitelprogramjában részt vevő bankok 2017-re vállalták, hogy közel 230 milliárd forinttal növelik kkv-hitelezésüket, a vállalását minden bank teljesítette, ennek eredményeként szektorszinten az egy évvel korábbit is meghaladó,...

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Migrant crisis may slow down the EU’s development

According to a forecast by GKI Economic Research Zrt., the migrant crisis will continue to cause a conflict between European Union member states and if decisions aren’t made swiftly, it...

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