Tag "átlagkeresetek"

KSH: earnings increased by 9.1 percent

In August, gross average earnings were 391 thousand 600 HUF, 9.1 percent higher than a year earlier, and in the first eight months of the year they amounted to 395...

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Analysts: the increase of average earnings may be over 12 percent this year

The October growth in average earnings was not a surprise, according to macroeconomic analysts interviewed by MTI, who are expecting an average 12-13 percent wage growth this year. According to...

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KSH: earnings rose by 13.6 percent in September

In September, average wages grew by 13.6 percent compared to a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Wednesday. The annual rate of increase of average earnings...

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KSH: gross gross earnings grew in July by 13.1 percent

In July, gross average earnings grew by 13.1 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year. The growth rate of earnings slowed a slight decrease after the 14.4...

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Workania: the average salary increased slightly last year in Hungary

Gross salaries increased last year, compared to the previous year. The earnings continue to be the highest in Budapest, but wages are also affected by educational attainment, the job and...

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KSH: gross earnings grew 6 percent in May

In May gross earnings increased by 6.0 percent. Net average earnings increased with a higher extent, due to the changes in personal income tax, by 7.6 percent, compared with a...

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KSH: net earnings rose 8.0 percent in April

The average monthly gross earnings in April were 6.4 percent higher than a year before, while net wages – due to the reduction in the tax rate – rose by...

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KSH: earnings preceded inflation

Average wages grew by 5.3 percent in November last year. Without counting the public workers, the increase of gross and net wages was 6.1 percent. Compared to the October 2015...

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KSH: average earnings increased by 3.6 percent in June

Average earnings grew by 3.6 percent in June compared with a year before. Without counting the wages of the public workers the increase was 4.7 percent – the Central Statistics...

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KSH: average earnings rose by 1.5 percent in May

The average earnings increased by 1.5 percent in May, compared to a year before. Without counting the wage of public workers, the increase was 4 percent – the Central Statistical...

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