Tag "átlagkereset"

KSH: a bruttó átlagkereset 658 400 forint volt 2024. márciusban, 13,9 százalékkal haladta meg az egy évvel korábbit

In March 2024, the gross average salary of those employed full-time was HUF 658,400, and the net average salary calculated with allowances in mind was HUF 452,700. The gross average...

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KSH: Gross average earnings were HUF 605,400 in February 2024, 14.0 percent higher than a year earlier

In February 2024, the gross average earnings of those employed full-time was HUF 605,400, and the net average earnings calculated with discounts taken into account was HUF 417,100. The gross...

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The average net monthly salary in 2022 remained below HUF 300,000

According to NAV data, in 2022 the average monthly salary (income from employment) was HUF 418,000 gross, which meant HUF 285,000 net per month (including benefits). This is lower compared...

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KSH: The average gross salary in May was HUF 567,800

The gross average earnings of those employed full-time was HUF 567,800, and the average net earnings calculated with discounts taken into account was HUF 391,500 in May 2023, the Central...

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KSH: the gross average earnings are the lowest in the hospitality sector

In January 2023, the gross average salary of those employed full-time was HUF 528,000, and the net average salary calculated with allowances in mind was HUF 363,900. The gross average...

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Last year, the average monthly salary in the Czech Republic increased by 6.1 percent

In the Czech Republic, the average monthly earnings were 37,839 crowns (567,585 forints) last year, 6.1 percent more than in 2020, the Czech Statistical Office said in Prague on Monday....

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KSH: Earnings grew by 10.1 percent last November

In November last year, the average gross earnings of full-time employees were 482,400 HUF, and the average net earnings excluding benefits were 320,800 HUF, both 10.1 percent higher than a...

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KSH: Earnings increased by 9.1 percent

In September, average gross and net earnings were 9.1 percent higher than a year before. Growth continued to pick up after 8.9 percent in August. The average gross earnings of...

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KSH: average earnings increased by 8.9 percent in August

In August, the average gross earnings of full-time employees were 426,500 HUF, and the average net earnings excluding benefits were 283,600 HUF, 8.9 percent higher than a year before, the...

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KSH: real earnings grew by 6.2 percent in 2020

The average gross earnings of full-time employees were 449,400 HUF last December, 10.6 percent higher than a year earlier. In 2020, gross average earnings reached 403,600 HUF and net average...

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KSH: earnings grew by 9 percent in March

In March, the average gross earnings were 400,400 HUF, 9.0 percent more than a year before. In the first quarter, both gross and net average earnings increased by 9.1 percent...

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KSH: average earnings increased by 9.2 percent in January

National average gross earnings in January were 375 thousand HUF, up 9.2 percent year-on-year, while excluding the public sector they were HUF 385 thousand 300 HUF, up 8.8 percent. For...

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KSH: rise in earnings continued

In October last year, average gross earnings were 365,100 HUF, 11.6 percent higher than a year before. Excluding public employment, gross average earnings increased by 11.2 percent to 375,300 HUF....

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KSH: double-digit earnings growth continues

In August, average gross earnings grew by 11.5 percent year-on-year to 358,000 HUF. The average net income without allowances amounted to 238,700 HUF taking the benefits into account reached 246...

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Statistical data about the hospitality sector in 2018

Károly Zerényi, a member the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs’ (MVI) body of representatives has prepared a report on the performance of Hungary’s hospitality sector in 2018, based on the new-methodology...

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Workania: the average gross earnings in Hungary exceeded the 300,000 forint limit last year

Last year, the average gross earnings were 337,500 HUF in Hungary, which represents a 13 percent increase compared to the same period of the previous year – the online research...

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Average earnings could rise by 9 percent this year

As a result of the wage agreement concluded last December, according to which the minimum wage and the guaranteed minimum wage increased by 8 percent from January 1, 2019, the...

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The average earnings increased by more than 11 percent last year

In December last year, the average gross earnings were 360,000 HUF, 10.2 percent more than a year before. In January-December 2018, gross average earnings were 329,900 HUF, and net average...

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Expert: the gap between the lowest and the highest average earnings has reduced

The difference between the average earnings of the most and the least earning workers in Hungary decreased – the president of the Board of Trustees of the Budapest Foundation for...

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Fazekas Sándor: net average earnings in agriculture increased to one and a half times higher

In the seven years since 2010, 72,000 new jobs have been created, net average earnings in agriculture increased to one and a half times higher, and the sector is on...

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KSH: 12.9 percent increase in average earnings last year

The gross average earnings were 327,700 forints in December last year, 13.5 percent more than a year before. In January-December 2017, the gross average earnings were 297,000 forints and net...

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KSH: gross average earnings increased to over 305 thousand HUF in December

Last December, gross average earnings increased by 5.7 percent of gross earnings, while net average earnings were 7.3 percent higher than a year before. Excluding the wages of public employees,...

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The earnings of sellers has increased

The earnings of sellers, cashiers, pickers working in stores and department stores increased by 25 thousand forints in November 2016 compared to January exceeding 179 thousand forints, while the in-store...

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Analysts: the pace of wage growth continued to accelerate

The pace of wage growth continued to accelerate in November last year and for this year an even more dynamic growth is expected due to the raising of the minimum...

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Wage growth may accelerate analysts say

The pace of wage growth slowed slightly in July, compared to the previous month, but wage growth may re-accelerate from autumn in the public sector, due to the planned increases,...

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NGM: real wages are increasing in Hungary for forty three months

The positive trend continues in Hungary. Real wages are increasing in Hungary for more than three years ie forty three months – Cseresnyés Péter, Minister of State of the National...

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Analysts expect further real earnings growth

Analysts interviewed by MTI expect the accelerating growth of real wages and say that the labor shortages in several sectors and low inflation also help the growth. The Central Statistical...

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KSH: average earnings rose by 3.4 percent in February

Average earnings increased by 3.4 percent in February, compared to a year before, at firms employing at least five employees and in the Non-Profit sector – the Central Statistical Office...

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KSH: average earnings rose by 4.1 percent in January

Average earnings rose by 4.1 percent in January, compared to a year earlier, at firms and budgetary institutions employing at least five people and in the non-profit sector – the...

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