Tag "állattenyésztés"

The European breeding inspection of Turkmen horses began in Bábolna

The two-day breeding inspection of Akhal-Teke steppe horses from Turkmenistan and the European Championship began on Saturday in Bábolna. Minister of Agriculture István Nagy emphasized in his speech opening the...

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V4 agricultural chambers: a change of direction is needed in EU agricultural policy

The agricultural policy of the EU must change radically, otherwise the agriculture of the union will be in a hopeless situation – the agricultural chambers of the V4 countries emphasize...

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Farmers can get new information on the KAP website

The updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) information form related to area- and animal-based direct subsidies, which will continue to expand in the future, has been expanded with current information for...

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New animal welfare grants worth HUF 42.5 billion

The government supports sustainable and efficient animal husbandry with all possible means, and therefore encourages the improvement of animal welfare with various subsidies. In recent days, the Ministry of Agriculture...

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In the first quarter, the number of pigs slaughtered in slaughterhouses increased

1,160,000 pigs were slaughtered at Hungarian slaughterhouses in the first quarter of 2024, 6.2 percent more (+67,000 pigs) than in January-March 2023. The total live weight of slaughtered animals was...

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The countryside is the key to the renewal and success of Hungary in the 21st century

As part of its commitment to improving Hungarian agriculture and the quality of life in rural areas, the Hungarian government continues to invest in the modernization of livestock farms. The...

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UBM: the domestic feed industry can expand by nearly 20 percent in 2024

The prospects for the Hungarian feed industry in 2024 are favorable: the decrease experienced in 2022 and 2023 may be followed by a rebound this year, and with an expected...

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Livestock farming is not responsible for the decline in global drinking water supplies

Another false claim is spreading in the European public discourse regarding animal breeding. While the representatives of the anti-livestock narrative often claim that the sector threatens the public’s drinking water...

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Animal husbandry has and will continue to play a decisive role in agriculture

 The Ministry of Agriculture is committed to helping the sector in the future as well, Hungarian livestock breeders and livestock keepers have the largest number of support titles available in...

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New subsidies help animal breeders

The Ministry of Agriculture is supporting the sustainability of domestic animal husbandry with two completely new measures with a total budget of HUF 22 billion. The rural development call for...

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The value-creating developments in agriculture are implemented one after the other

In addition to creating a favorable regulatory environment, it is a priority to ensure that subsidies are continuously available for the actors of the agrarian sector – declared Minister of...

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(HU) MBH AgrárTrend Index: stabilizálódtak a magyar élelmiszer-gazdaság kilátásai

The assessment of the situation of the actors of the Hungarian food industry has stabilized, which is more favorable than before in the first three months of 2024, according to...

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The tender for the conservation of new animal genetic resources has been published

A call for proposals for rural development to support the ex situ and in vitro conservation of animal genetic resources and the implementation of professional support activities has been published,...

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The sector of animal breeders is facing a huge opportunity

European agriculture and farmers are suffering enormous damage, and animal husbandry is also under intense attacks, Brussels’ communication discredits farmers and deceives consumers. Meanwhile, Hungarian livestock breeders and livestock keepers...

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The Professional Star Festival welcomes its guests again

The Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) in cooperation with the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) is organizing the Professional Star Festival for the third time, between April 24-26,...

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Subsidies and opportunities in agriculture

The new support system will continue to help farmers adapt to the changed market and production conditions – declared Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, at...

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The Kiskunság National Park Administration has renovated the Izsák-Páhi native animal farm

The National Park Administration of Kiskunság spent more than HUF 400 million on the renovation of the Izsák-Páhi native livestock farm, as well as the purchase of equipment and machinery....

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The role of veterinarians is indispensable in domestic agriculture

Veterinarians play a fundamental role in protecting the health of animals, in combating infectious diseases and in examining the meat of animals intended for slaughter, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy...

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The pre-tax profit of social farms increased significantly in 2022

The Test Factory Information System monitors the property, financial and income situation of Hungarian commodity-producing agricultural enterprises year after year. The analysis using data from 2022 includes 2,109 sample plants....

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A new pig farm was established in Dombegyháza

With an investment of HUF four billion, Agrosztár Kft. established a new pig farm in Dombegyháza in Békés County, the company’s managing director informed MTI on Friday. Balázs Dorcsinecz said...

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Help for fattened bull keepers

On Friday, the payment of more than one billion forints allocated to support financed from the national budget related to the keeping of fattened bulls in the beef sector will...

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The Hungarian poultry sector must participate in disciplined integration

In order for the Hungarian poultry sector to meet market demands, it must participate in a very serious and disciplined integration, the Minister of Agriculture stated on Friday in Bácsalmás,...

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Innovative research methods for future-proof livestock farming

Sustainable livestock farming is key to both food security and the protection of our ecosystems. The World Resources Institute predicts that compared to 2010, global demand for meat and dairy...

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István Nagy: agricultural subsidies are also guaranteed in 2024

Agricultural subsidies are also guaranteed for 2024, the budget will add HUF 650 billion to the rural development resources, said the Minister of Agriculture at his annual press conference in...

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Bird flu was detected in another settlement in the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county

This time, the laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) detected the presence of the highly pathogenic bird flu virus in an area of the county of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok...

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2023 is the year of record payments in agriculture

In the year 2023, which is full of financing difficulties, it was crucial for the sector that a record amount of more than HUF 1,300 billion in agricultural subsidies were...

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Payments for rural development measures doubled

HUF 895.6 billion were paid for agricultural and rural development subsidies until September 30. 58.2 percent (HUF 521.3 billion) of the disbursed support came from European Union funds, 41.8 percent (HUF...

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In December, additional significant sums will help the dairy sector

After the advance payment, in the last month of the year, additional payments from EU and national sources will be received by the actors of the dairy sector, indicating the...

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AGROmashEXPO and Agricultural Machinery Show will be held again in January

The catch-up of our agriculture to the European Union is significant. While our productivity reached 41 percent of the EU value in 2010, this ratio increased to 67 percent by 2021....

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Ukraine’s accession to the EU would endanger the livelihood of European farmers

Ukraine’s possible accession to the European Union would threaten the livelihood of European farmers, as European farmers cannot compete with hundreds of thousands of hectares of Ukrainian farms owned by...

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