Tag "állategészségügy"

MÁOK and Nébih warn about the importance of protection against rabies

 Since the beginning of the year, investigations by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) have confirmed rabies infection in dogs and golden jackals. Due to the new infections detected...

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Non-state laboratories will soon have to report on their annual activities

Non-state laboratories are obliged to prepare a summary report of all their tests – authorized by Nébih – carried out during the given calendar year. Laboratories must submit the report to...

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The bird flu has also reached the county of Győr-Moson-Sopron

The presence of bird flu virus was detected in the county of Győr-Moson-Sopron by the laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih). The liquidation of the affected stock and...

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Bird flu has appeared in a new area of Bács-Kiskun County

The laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) confirmed the presence of a highly pathogenic bird flu virus in an area of Bács-Kiskun county that had not been...

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The requirements for prescribing antibiotics for food-producing animals are tight

The Nebih draws the attention of veterinarians treating food-producing animals that, under the relevant decree*, from 1 January 2024, an antibiotic for food-producing animals can only be prescribed by a...

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Inaugurated Nébih’s new animal house and high security research laboratory

Dr. Márton Nobilis, Secretary of State for Food and Trade Policy, and Dr. Imre Nemes, President of Nébih, inaugurated one of Hungary’s largest animals and a high-security (BSL-3) research laboratory...

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Croatian farmers demonstrate for the sixth day due to government measures aimed at curbing the swine fever epidemic

In Croatia, farmers are protesting for the sixth day due to government measures aimed at curbing the swine fever epidemic, Croatian public television reported on Monday. Nearly seven hundred pig...

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Domestic antibiotic sales data in animal health are improving

The sale of antibiotics in the field of animal health has decreased significantly in our country, but there is still plenty to “cut down” – it was revealed in a...

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The first independent animal husbandry department was founded 150 years ago

The year 1873 was a milestone in the education of veterinary medicine and a turning point in the history of Hungarian animal husbandry and animal health, said Sándor Farkas, deputy...

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The African swine fever has reared its head in another Italian territory

In recent weeks, the African swine fever (ASP) virus has been detected in three farms in Italy, in the province of Pavia. The affected herds were liquidated by the Italian authorities,...

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Animal keepers and veterinarians, attention! Support can be applied for carrying out resistance tests

From January 1, 2023, it became possible to implement resistance tests with financial support. The support applies to sampling, laboratory bacteriological testing and sensitivity testing for food-producing animals of small animal...

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Well-trained veterinarians are needed

Today, our country’s veterinary specialists have to find solutions to many challenges, and in addition to diseases, animal protection is also an important part of the veterinary profession, said Dr. Márton...

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Due to the bird flu epidemic, immediate EU measures are needed regarding Brazilian poultry meat imports

The bird flu epidemic is raging in Brazil, and the infection has already reached the country’s largest poultry-producing regions. Brazil is the world’s largest poultry exporter, from which hundreds of thousands...

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ASP epidemic: territorial restrictions in Croatia are available on the Nébih page

Nébih also helps Hungarian farmers by making available a list of settlements and the EU map search engine so that they can more easily find out about the most important...

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Facts and misconceptions in animal husbandry – the national chamber of agriculture is launching a new video series

Who is fueling the anti-meat narrative? What would a world without livestock be like? What role does animal husbandry play in rural farming and the functioning of ecosystems? These and similar...

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Information on the rules for collecting animal by-products

According to the concession tender won in 2022, MOL-MOHU will be responsible for the collection and management of municipal waste in Hungary for 35 years from July 1, 2023. The...

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The Animal Breeding and Farming Days are organized for the thirtieth time

The Great Plains Animal Husbandry and Farming Days, one of the most important professional meetings of Hungarian agriculture, will be held in Hódmezővásárhely from Thursday, the organizer Hód-Mezőgazda Zrt. informed...

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Our shared responsibility is to provide farmers with predictable conditions

It is the responsibility of the EU presidency trio starting in July to ensure that European farmers can work predictably and in safe conditions and receive answers to their problems...

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Temporary rules for the introduction and movement of poultry have been published

Due to the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza, the national chief veterinarian has ordered new epidemic prevention measures starting from March 24, 2023 until withdrawn. In the non-restricted areas...

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The knowledge of young people will always have a place and value in agriculture

The young people know exactly that there are huge opportunities in agriculture, that agriculture is one of the key sectors of our future – stated Minister of Agriculture István Nagy...

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Csongrád-Csanád county has been hit again by bird flu

Nébih confirmed the presence of the bird flu virus in a mallard duck colony in Csongrád-Csanád county. The herd is being killed, and the animal health authority has also designated...

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A bird flu epidemic in a goose farm in Nógrád county

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) confirmed the presence of the bird flu virus at a goose farm in Nógrád county. The herd is being killed, and the animal...

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Bird flu has reached Békés county again

The Nébih laboratory confirmed the presence of the bird flu virus in a goose farm in Békés County and in captive birds in Komárom-Esztergom. The animal health authority has designated...

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A farm in the county of Bács-Kiskun was once again affected by bird flu

Weeks after the districts were lifted, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) again confirmed the presence of bird flu in the county of Bács-Kiskun. The animal health authority designated...

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The antibiotic use reporting system is available for the monthly data provision of farms

Veterinarians and their representatives can once again use the system for reporting antibiotic use, which has been expanded with new functions. Wholesalers of veterinary medicinal products with antibiotic active ingredients...

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Hungarian-Algerian agricultural relations must be further strengthened

In order to ensure a safe food supply, it is extremely important for our country to get to know Algeria’s production experience and technologies, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy,...

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This is how animal by-products can be used as pet food

Feed use is only possible under strict conditions and regulations, taking into account public and animal health risks. In certain cases, Hungarian and EU legislation provides the possibility of feeding...

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There are only a few days left until the deadline for reporting the annual activities of non-state laboratories

January 31 is the final date for non-state laboratories to submit their annual activity report to Nébih. All of this applies equally to operational and service laboratories. The data is...

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Mars Petcare, Broad Institute Launch New Genome Project For Pets

A new initiative is being planned that could eventually lead to the creation of one of the largest open access cat and dog genome databases in the world.   Mars...

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Bird flu has appeared in another area of Békés county

The laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) confirmed the presence of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in a farm in Békés county that keeps about 2,000...

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