Tag "álláskeresés"

The summer “cucumber season”, the vacation period, has begun

The summer “cucumber season”, the period of vacations, has begun, but summer does not mean a lack of events, since new labor is needed at this time as well, and...

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Sándor Czomba: the number of job seekers has never been so low

The number of registered jobseekers is at a thirty-year low, this data has never been so low, which means that a significant number of people are looking for and finding...

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95% of job advertisements do not include pay, even though it would mean up to 1.5 times more applicants

Due to the shortage of labour, it is a long-standing trend that due to the shortage of employees, it requires increasing investment of strength on the part of companies, in...

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Profession.hu: the companies are looking for almost two-thirds more skilled workers

The number of advertisements recruiting skilled, trained and auxiliary workers increased by 61 percent this year compared to 2020, the number of advertisements increased the most in Vas, Győr-Moson-Sopron and...

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About job searching during crisis

How does the epidemiological situation and the related economic environment affect senior management expectations? What are the leadership qualities that are now gaining in value and can best help you...

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Workania: last year two-thirds of job seekers found new jobs within three months

Last year, two-thirds of job seekers found new jobs within three months – according to the latest survey of the Workania jobs portal. 36 percent of respondents in the first...

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