Tag "AI"

The tourism sector is also being transformed by artificial intelligence

A joint report by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) and Microsoft makes it clear that artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an extremely important role in the field of...

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Gránit Pólus: We already use AI for almost every purchase

Artificial intelligence is much closer to us than we think: all you have to do is pop into Westend for a cinema or shopping trip to be surrounded by robots,...

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Efficiency, AI and sustainability: MBH Bank and MEGOSZ work together for the development of the agricultural machinery market

MBH Bank and the National Association of Field Machine Manufacturers (MEGOSZ) signed a cooperation agreement at the AGROmashEXPO and AgrárgépShow event. The main goal of the partnership is for the most...

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Can this year bring growth to the IT industry?

In 2023, the IT sector showed a decrease in orders compared to the growth of the previous year, however, according to domestic and international forecasts, it may start to grow...

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(HU) MI-félni attól kell, hogy rosszra használják. Dr. Tilesch György a FutureTalks podcastban

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The chatbot of the parcel delivery company swore and wrote a poem about the company’s downfall

Delivery company DPD was forced to shut down its online chatbot powered by artificial intelligence (AI) after a customer insulted the bot and wrote a poem about the failure of...

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At CES 2024, Samsung will present its “WE for everyone” vision

Samsung unveiled its AI vision at CES® 2024, outlining how the technology will enable users to use their devices in a more intuitive and convenient way. Together with its key...

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Hungarian companies do not excel in terms of innovation, but they take the digital transition very seriously

For the sixth semester, K&H measures the innovation activity of the domestic medium and large enterprise sector. The K&H innovation index formed from the data of the research rose to...

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K&H: artificial intelligences among themselves

K&H introduced Kate, the artificial intelligence-based digital financial assistant, to its mobile bank a year ago. Starting this September, Kate can also perform actions based on voice commands – the...

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KIFÜ: Hungarian companies received help in developing business solutions based on artificial intelligence

The project implemented by the Government Information Technology Development Agency (KIFÜ) and Neumann János Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. with 1 billion forints of non-refundable EU funds, which contributed to increasing the...

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The Alpha generation will be the most entrepreneurial so far

The children of the Alpha generation (those born or to be born between 2010 and 2025) imagine a much smoother, more comfortable world that can transform local communities and change...

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Commerce is continuously developing automation technology and artificial intelligence

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the trade sector has been undergoing a change of era characterized by enormous challenges. The years of the coronavirus gave digitalization a huge boost...

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The next generation of shoppers is ready for AI, AR and robots

The next generation of shoppers prefers real shopping to virtual reality, but wants technological innovation to enhance the shopping experience: 81% of Gen Z and Millennials expect augmented reality (AR)...

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Already 60% of companies lend knowledge to alleviate the lack of internal competence

A trend that has been visible for years was recently quantified by the professional social platform LinkedIn, when it reported that the number of job advertisements published on the platform,...

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MI will transform nearly five times as many jobs as it will eliminate

The Hungarian labor market is currently under the combined fire of various trends. Generation Z young people have completely different needs than their predecessors, and due to inflation, many are...

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Even the packages ordered for the house can be prepared in Hungary with the help of AI

Even today, more than 90 percent of the sorting and picking tasks in warehouses are performed manually, which is increasingly challenging for logistics companies struggling with labor shortages. Siemens’ artificial...

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Bosch innovációs versenyének idei fődíjasa ​Részletek keresése 93 / 5 000 Fordítási találatok Fordítási találat An automated collision avoidance system was designed by the grand prize winner of this year’s Bosch innovation competition

For 24 hours, brains were spinning and fingers were tapping on the keyboard at the hackathon jointly organized by Bosch and CraftHub in Gamerland in Budapest. A total of 110...

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Amazon Web Services makes its artificial intelligence developments even smarter

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has switched artificial intelligence (AI) developments to a higher speed. The IT company, which opened an office in Hungary in the summer, recently announced five innovations....

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It’s not that world anymore

During the pandemic, more than 1 billion users emerged on the internet, which meant an explosion in e-commerce, but also a new era of cybercrime. Those who try to stay...

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New star performers on the BrandFestival roster

Three international speakers and the most important topics were announced by the organizers of the BrandFestival. AI researcher Daniel Verten, BBH London Digital Strategy & Content Lead Mara Dettmann and...

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Az italvilág forradalmasítása

A világhálón fellelhető hihetetlenül nagy mennyiségű információt, tudást az AI olyan sebességgel képes feldolgozni, összefüggéseket feltárni, ami az emberek számára szinte felfoghatatlan. Birtokában van az italokkal kapcsolatos átfogó ismereteknek is –...

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SAP asked 300 Hungarian company managers about artificial intelligence

Readiness significantly determines whether a business approaches AI as a business opportunity. Among other things, this was revealed by SAP Hungary’s own research called SurvAI, which was presented at the...

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Márton Nagy: food production is also more efficient with the help of AI

Minden területen hatalmas változásokat hozhat a mesterséges intelligencia (AI), amelyet már a távközlésben, iparban, energetikában és a mezőgazdaságban is használnak, alkalmazása évi 1,4 százalékponttal járulhat hozzá a növekedéshez világszinten –...

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The digitization competition in the automotive industry is intensifying

The global vehicle industry is going through one of the most difficult periods in its history: although the total value of the industry is around 3 trillion dollars, the energy...

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Already 31 percent of medium and large companies use artificial intelligence

31 percent of medium-sized and large companies already use artificial intelligence in one of their processes on a regular basis, and another 19 percent on an experimental basis, according to...

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Someone has to do this job too – Video of the day

Cleaning the toilet is not an uplifting job, so one of the most intelligent colleagues, AI, does it!...

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AI trend expert, crisis resilience coach and virtual model avatar creator at this year’s BrandFestival

On November 9-10, AI trend experts, customer experience strategists, coaches responsible for crisis resilience and creative content developers will occupy the ETELE CINEMA stage. During their presentations, they dissect the...

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It changes everything: for 96% of company managers, AI is one of the most important topics

Although there are still many unanswered questions about the use of artificial intelligence, 74% of executives already believe that the benefits of generative AI will outweigh the concerns about it....

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Behavioral design is the key to successful change

If we want to put artificial intelligence at our service, we first need to understand human behavior in order to properly train algorithms and make life better overall. This requires...

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The role of Artificial Intelligence in boosting efficiency and innovation in the tourism industry

The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the tourism industry presents significant opportunities for companies, contrary to fears that it may lead to job losses. AI can automate various tasks,...

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