Tag "agrárminisztérium"

Soybeans can also receive reverse VAT

By creating GMO-free feed, the Hungarian food industry can become more competitive, even can reach market leadership and can have market protection role. The long-term goal of the Ministry is...

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AM: The development of horticulture also contributes to safe food supply

The development of the horticultural sector also contributes to safe food supply in Hungary, therefore to develop the sectoral research and professional background, and to strengthen agricultural training have utmost...

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Ministry of Agriculture: the aging of the farmer society must be stopped

The aging of the farmer society must be stopped with EU agricultural policy tools and with actions of the Member States – the Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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Grant programme for gene preservation

The Minister of Agriculture has announced a grant programme for 2018, the main objective of which is to finance the work done to preserve, manage and develop the genetic material...

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AM: the minister discussed the issue of industrial apple with the representatives of the farmers

The Ministry of Agriculture is planning to introduce a contract for a multi-year price range between producers and purchasers in the future – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told MTI...

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The Ministry of Agriculture supports the initiative of the farmers

The Ministry of Agriculture supports the initiative of the apple producers, which calls for action against unfair purchasing behavior – the Ministry of Agriculture told MTI on Thursday. The announcement...

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AM: 1.5 billion forints have already been decided in the fisheries management program

About 1.5 billion forints of support decisions were made in the Hungarian Fisheries Operational Program (Mahop) funded from the EU budget. By August, ie by the end of the summer,...

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Nagy István: the gray-cattle has a great future

The fate of the Hungarian gray cattle is a proof that in addition that it has a past and present it has a serious future as well- Nagy István, Minister...

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AM: the support of the cattle sector remains after 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) wants to maintain production-related subsidies, market programs and national subsidies for the cattle sector after 2020 – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry...

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A campaign was launched to prevent African swine fever

In August, official veterinarians visit small farms and provide information on disease control. The campaign serves to reduce African swine fever – Bognár Lajos, Deputy Minister of State of the...

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AM: Agriculture needs to be prepared for the challenges of climate change

Hungarian agriculture needs to be prepared for the challenges of climate change – Farkas Sándor, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) said on Friday in Hajdúböszörmény...

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Ministry of Agriculture: this year 450 thousand tons of grapes is expected

This year, 450,000 tons of grapes is expected, which is similar to last year’s amount. Quality is excellent, so it can be an excellent vintage – Feldman Zsolt, Minister of...

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The Agricultural Ministry assists the wineries with several measures

The Ministry of Agriculture is assisting the wineries with several measures – Brazsil Dávid, Secretary General of the National Council of Horticulture – told M1 news channel. He announced that...

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Less grain cereals were produced

This year, a few percent less grain cereals have been produced, compared to the average of the last five years, but prices are higher than last year – the Minister...

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The Ministry of Agriculture has set itself the goal of doubling fish consumption

The Ministry of Agriculture is working to double the current Hungarian fish consumption of 5.7 kilograms per capita as soon as possible – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said on...

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The winery centre of the Juhász Brothers was inaugurated

Domestic wine production is a strategic area: it is important from a cultural, social and economic point of view – the Agriculture Minister said on Friday in Egerszalók, at the...

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The budget of the Ministry of Agriculture to expand with twelve billion forints

Next year, the Ministry of Agriculture’s budget will increase by 12 billion, compared to this year – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel. According to his report,...

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The European Commission supports the BIOEAST initiative

The European Commission supports the BIOEAST initiative for agri-food research and innovation – the Ministry of Agriculture has informed. The ministry announced in a statement that Nagy István, Agriculture Minister...

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AM: the construction of mushroom houses and cold stores is supported with 18 billion forints

About one hundred and eighty agricultural enterprises build or develop both mushroom houses and cold stores from 18 billion forints support. Both figures will continue to grow in the future...

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The Ministry of Agriculture extends the summer food chain control

The summer control that covers all branches of the food chain is expanding with new target areas, so from now, until 20 August, more products, events and sales venues are...

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Hungarian Product can become even bigger business

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy told at the Agóra conference: we can only exploit the potential of the Hungarian food industry if production becomes more efficient and consumers buy even...

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Zsigó Róbert: 77 percent of the people trust in Nébih

77 percent of the people have confidence in the National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih) and 85 percent know that they need to turn to the organization if they have...

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Ministry of Agriculture: the reduction of CAP funds is unacceptable

According to Hungary, the EU budget proposed for the financing of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is not enough, especially since the legislative proposals on 1 June would place significantly...

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István Nagy wants further whitening in agriculture

Minister of Agriculture designate István Nagy told at his hearing that the main tasks in agriculture are reducing the workforce shortage, whitening the sector further, increasing the size of land...

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Changes in the Ministry of Agriculture

Dr István Nagy has been appointed the new Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. Mr Nagy will replace Sándor Fazekas in the ministerial seat. The new minister has been a member of...

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The new name of the Ministry of Agriculture is Agrarian Ministry

Agrarian Ministry is the new name of the ministry in the new government cycle – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The ministry has been involved in government work between 2014-2018 as the Ministry...

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Lázár, Fazekas and Czerván will be members of the Agricultural Committee

Lázár János and Fazekas Sándor former ministers will also be members of the parliament’s agriculture committee in the new parliamentary cycle – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Czerván György joins the board as...

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