Tag "agrárminisztérium"

Harvesting has begun, a weaker-than-average yield is expected

Harvesting work has begun with the harvest of autumn barley. According to the preliminary estimates the weather is expected to result in a lower-than-average yield, with about 7 million tonnes...

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Ministry of Agriculture: the lavender harveszing campaign was successful again in Tihany this year

The “Harvest by Yourself” lavender campaign of the Balaton Uplands National Park that was organized again in Tihany was surrounded with a great interest this year. More than twenty thousand...

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The Ministry of Agriculture supports green NGOs with 70 million HUF

Every year, about 50 green non-governmental organizations can receive support within the framework of the Ministry of Agriculture’s (AM) Green Fund tender, and the Ministry will allocate 70 million HUF...

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The Ministry of Agriculture will further strengthen conscious consumer behavior

Based on the positive experience of the labeling requirement introduced in the case of pork, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) has extended the clear indication of the country of origin...

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The AM extended the deadline for submitting irrigation development applications

The deadline for submitting irrigation development applications has been extended by the Ministry of Agriculture. The Ministry informed MTI on Friday that it had amended the Rural Development Program’s application...

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Investment support for the horticultural sector will increase the security of fruit and vegetable supply

The 80 billion HUF tender announced by the Ministry of Agriculture for livestock and horticultural farms also contributes to the security of the fruit and vegetable supply – Feldman Zsolt,...

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The Ministry of Agriculture expects a good strawberry harvest

Fresh and tasty Hungarian strawberries are the best choice for families to consume fruit. Due to the sunny weather of the recent period, a very good strawberry harvest is expected...

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Nagy István: another 80 billion HUF to support animal husbandry and horticulture

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) announces new agricultural investment tender package worth 80 billion HUF in the summer for high value-added livestock and horticulture sector, in order to reduce the...

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AM: additional agricultural support can be applied for in three stages from the end of June

From the end of June, a total of 25 billion HUF additional agricultural support will be available to treat the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic. On can apply for...

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AM: information on the details of the 25 billion HUF additional agricultural support

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) is announcing a 25 billion HUF support program provided by the Economic Protection Fund to address the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic in three...

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AM: it could be a death sentence for European agriculture if Brussels implements the provisions of the Green Deal on the basis of proposals from the European Commission

The from the Farmland to the Table presented by the European Commission poses an insoluble task for farmers, and the Biodiversity Strategy, and not only does it not create opportunities...

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The Ministry of Agriculture focuses on biodiversity

May 22 is World Biodiversity Day. On this occasion, attention is drawn to the conservation of biodiversity and threats to biodiversity worldwide. Habitat reconstruction has taken place on more than...

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Time is up for hobby horticulture – Zsendülés conference in Szeged, 5-6 March 2020

The 6th Zsendülés conference was organised in Hotel Forrás in Szeged. József Rácz, president of Kert-Ész Club Association welcomed participants, and his speech was followed by presentations about the state...

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The government is helping agricultural and food businesses with additional support of 25 billion HUF

In addition to the currently available forms of support, the Ministry of Agriculture announces several support schemes that help farmers, producer organizations and food industry companies to manage the economic...

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Who buy a domestic product strengthens the Hungarian economy

The purchase of Hungarian products will strengthen the Hungarian economy, protect Hungarian jobs and ensure the livelihood of many thousands of Hungarian families, the Minister of Agriculture said in Lajosmizse...

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A family of bees moved to the Ministry of Agriculture

Minister of Agriculture Nagy István wants to draw attention to the role of bees, the quality of the metropolitan environment and the importance of environmental education with a family of...

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AM: Hungary requests the introduction of exceptional EU support measures in the poultry, pig and dairy sectors

At a video conference of EU agriculture ministers on Wednesday, Hungary requested the introduction of additional EU support measures to address the crisis situation caused by the coronavirus epidemic in...

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Agriculture and the food economy – the challenges ahead in the short and long term

May 28, 2020 17: 00-20: 30 For the first time this year, we will be holding our Business Dinner FMCG Leadership Forum, held almost every last Thursday in May, online...

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AM: Spring field work is nearing the end

The sowing of spring barley, oats, seed peas and sugar beets was practically completed last week, with 97 percent of sunflower and 92 percent of maize already sown on 912,000...

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AM: game meat to the health workers

The employees of the Balassagyarmat hospital were among the first to receive the 100 kilograms of processed, high-quality domestic game meat that game farmers voluntarily use to help doctors and...

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The Ministry of Agriculture has initiated an extraordinary review of the conditions of poultry imports at the European Commission

Minister of Agriculture Nagy István wrote to the European Commission in order to reduce the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the poultry sector and to resolve the current...

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Nagy István: The government helps agricultural and food businesses with 25 billion HUF

The government will provide 25 billion HUF to help the agricultural and food businesses to overcome the economic difficulties caused by the coronavirus, the Minister of Agriculture told MTI on...

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Minister of Agriculture buying flowers can save many jobs

In Szőlősgyörök, Somogy County on Tuesday, the Minister of Agriculture encouraged the population to buy flowers. Nagy István told reporters: this could save many jobs and make the environment more...

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AM: the country’s food supply is ensured

The country’s food supply is ensured, the Ministry of Agriculture is in constant contact with the actors of the food supply chain – Zsigó Róbert, Secretary of State responsible for...

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The Ministry of Agriculture has initiated the proclamation of a period of permanent water shortage

The Ministry of Agriculture has initiated the announcement of the period of permanent water shortage at the Ministry of the Interior, Nagy István, head of the ministry told MTI. The...

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To what extent shops obey rules?

Róbert Zsigó, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, also spoke at the press conference of the Operational Staff on Tuesday. He said that the coronavirus epidemic posed serious challenges...

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The Csemege cheese of Győr-Moson-Sopron county received EU protection

The European Commission registered the Csemege cheese of Győr-Moson-Sopron County on Monday – the first among the Hungarian cheeses – as a protected geographical indication. The application for EU protection...

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AM: more favorable rules for simplified agricultural employment

In order to ensure uninterrupted production, the rules for working in the agricultural sector under simplified employment have become more flexible since Friday – the Ministry of Agriculture (ÁM) pointed...

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Spring field work has begun

Due to the milder weather, this year’s spring field work began in the country in the first half of April – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told MTI. Soil temperatures...

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The Ministry of Agriculture and Nébih help local producers with advertising space

The Ministry of Agriculture and the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) would like to help connect local producers and their potential buyers with an advertising space Zsigó Róbert, Secretary...

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