Tag "áfa"

Not all types of eggs will be under the five percent VAT rate

According to the parliament's decision, on 1 January 2017 the VAT on eggs and milk to be reduced. But not all types of eggs will be under the five percent...

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The NÉBIH preceded 9 billion HUF VAT evasions last year

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) preceded 9 billion HUF VAT evasions last year thanks to its inspections. The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) carried out almost three...

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India and China may also introduce VAT

The Value Added Tax (VAT) originally comes from France. India introduces the VAT next year, while China is switching to the new system these days – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote....

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The VAT regulation on vouchers will change positively

The Council of the European Union brings the VAT regulation of single vouchers and voucher systems under control. Because of the impending changes, for the sellers it is worth to...

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The VAT reduction on poultry and milk are accepted

The National Assembly approved the government's proposed tax package for next year on Tuesday. According to the tax package, the Value Added Tax (VAT) on poultry meat, eggs, fresh milk...

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New tax in catering

Those caterers should pay a four percent special tax after turnover without VAT that sell locally produced food or drink from 2018 as a Tourism Development Contribution – index wrote....

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The Hungarian Bath Association urges VAT reduction on bath and spa services

The Hungarian Bath Association welcomes the decision that a 18 percent VAT rate will pertain on accommodation services and catering services in 2017, but they think that the baths would...

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Grain Association : the VAT on flour and feeds should be reduced as well

The Grain Association suggests the Minister of National Economy to reduce VAT on flour as a basic food and on feeds. The Association of Hungarian Grain Processors Manufacturers and Traders...

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MVI about the vat-decrease

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The member companies of the OKSZ would help to improve the situation of the Hungarian dairy sector

The member companies of the National Retail Federation (OKSZ) are committed to improve the difficult market situation of the Hungarian dairy farmers; if possible, VAT should be reduced from July...

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The European Union intends to modernize Value Added Tax

Today's Action Plan is the first step towards a single EU VAT area which is equipped to tackle fraud, to support business and help the digital economy and e-commerce. The...

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Shops are closed on Sundays for a year now

It was in March 2015 that the regulation, according to which stores must stay closed on Sundays, entered into force. Today the majority of shoppers would still like to go...

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Falling chicken prices

The pig meat price index this year has been in the focus of attention, because VAT on pig carcase meat has been reduced to 5 percent in January. According to...

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The families save an annual ten thousands HUF due to the VAT reduction on pork

The VAT reduction on pork is resulted in 25 million HUF savings for the customers, so a family of four will save an annual ten thousands HUF – the Parliamentary...

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The NAV has published the list of the pork products falling under the 5 percent VAT

The information on the list of the pork products falling under the 5 percent VAT has been released on the website of the National Tax and Customs Authority. The half-carcases,...

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Pork: monitoring system monitors the effects of the VAT reduction

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) is operating a monitoring system to check whether the result of the VAT reduction in January will result in cheaper pork in stores – agrarszektor.hu...

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According to the Hungarian Turkey Association the high VAT inhibits consumption

The Hungarian Turkey Association has organized its annual professional conference for the third time, where the major issues of the poultry and turkey industry were discussed. At the event, it...

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Meat Market Changes

The domestic pig breeding is supported with high amounts for the fifth year and now the government is eager to favor the consumers. As a part of the domestic pig...

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The egg association also calls for VAT reduction

The Hungarian Egg Association would like to include the eggs into the circle of food products that are in the reduced, 5 percent value added tax (VAT) category – the...

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Foreign VAT can be claimed back for another week

The Hungarian companies still rarely claim back the VAT on invoices related to residence in other EU countries, rather they account gross costs – the international tax consulting and auditing...

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Coop rally: the Nagy-Hegyes Hús Kft. expects an increase in turnover

The reduction of VAT on carcass from 1 January is expected to generate significant growth in demand among the legally operating businesses, so the Nagy-Hegyes Hús Kft. is planning investments...

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The VAT fraud may reach 1,000 billion HUF

In Hungary, approximately 1,000 billion HUF VAT is cheated every year, while the rate of tax evasion can reach 22-25 percent of GDP – Farkas Gábor, Manager of PwC drew...

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5 percent VAT not only in the swine sector

The Livestock and Meat Marketing Board and Interprofessional Organisation (VHT) considers the reduction of VAT to 5 percent in the pig sector not only as a sectoral advantage but as...

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The volume of retail sales in Romania increased by four percent

The volume of Romanian retail sales increased by 4 percent in the first five months of the year, compared to the same period of last year – the Romanian National...

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VAT on food decreased by 9 percent in Romania

The government decree on the extension of the reduced VAT rate entered into force in Romania on Monday. The manufacturer and distributor companies should use a 9 percent VAT rate...

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One hundred and fifty billion HUF whiteout in the economy thanks to the online cash registers

According to the calculations of the Central Bank’s analysts, the online cash registers whitened the economy in 2014 with about 150 billion HUF – portfolio.hu wrote. The analysts of the...

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Excessive administration against VAT frauds hampers growth

VAT frauds cost nearly 200 billion euros for the EU member states every year. In Hungary 25 percent of the VAT is swallowed by the traders. However the increase of...

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The government will continuously monitor the effects of the VAT reduction on pork

According to the government spokesman, the effects of the VAT reduction on pork will be continuously monitored. The datas will shop that similar steps may be introduced in other sectors....

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The Poultry Product Council asks for same judgment as the pig sector in taxation

The Poultry Product Council (BBT) asks for same judgment as the pig sector in taxation. According to the Poultry Product Council there is no technical reason that while the Value...

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The VAT on pig carcass will be reduced to five percent

The proposal causes debates among the domestic players of the meat sector. It proposes to decrease the VAT on pig carcass from 2016 to 5 percent from the current VAT...

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