Tag "A nap videója"

Tuna fishing, the old fashioned way – Video of the day

It is not comforting for the tuna, but this type of fishing is sustainable against the much-attacked net (and much more impressive). Location is the South Pacific Ocean....

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Not a classic ice cream cake – Video of the day

Because it’s almost an ice cream cake – brilliant decoration idea!...

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Spectacular kitchen in the pastry shop – Video of the day

Based on the chocolate caramel (fudge) concept in Charleston, South Carolina, the sweets of the sweets already taste heavenly according to the reputation, but the guys running the place also...

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I’m already bored of carving greenery – Video of the day

Vegetable carving slowly fell out of the categories of gastronomic competitions – probably because the decision-makers did not see what could be done from, for example, a single pumpkin....

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Milking sauce in a fast food restaurant – Video of the day

Hanging sauce dispensers that work on the principle of gravity are economical, hygienic and remind you of the milking machines you see on the news…...

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Jeeves, the room service robot – Video of the day

We are barely past the first, rudimentary steps of robotization in the hospitality industry, but the widespread use of robots – not even humanoids! Jeeves, which is already operating in...

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You can’t be professional enough… – Video of the day

There is no professional or amateur chef who has not cut his finger a few times while working, especially until the correct technique has been perfectly mastered. (Especially when he...

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Give me your pineapple! – Video of the day

Give us your pineapple, and we’ll clean it, cut it up, put it in a glass: a shop vending machine that we couldn’t have imagined existed:...

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Clean hands, clean tools – Video of the day

Snactiv is a kind of transition between tweezers and chopsticks, but that doesn’t make it interesting – details in the movie!...

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Seafood, confectioner’s gem – Video of the day

Dominican confectioners take Valentine’s Day seriously!...

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Not the most macho meat bag… – Video of the day

But it is very easy to make and incredibly spectacular! And definitely not a Valentine’s Day stranger:...

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Spread, spread my plate – Video of the da

We’ve decorated so many things recently – let’s get the plate! And of course, let the decoration be extremely simple and extremely spectacular!...

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Pineapple Flower – Video of the Day

An incredibly elegant, colorful bouquet of pineapples!...

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There is no such thing as something that is not a shoe – Video of the day

The shoe-obsessed protagonist of Sex and New York, Carry Badshow, couldn’t dream of a more beautiful heaven: the place where all vegetables and fruits end up as shoes....

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Melon River – Video of the Day

An ingenious logistical solution for harvesting melons – only water is needed!...

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Dear confectioner friend! – Video of the day

If you have invested all your capital in good materials, don’t worry: the free further training is here! You can also bring your cooker, because the tricks are very simple....

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The new revolution in pancake baking – Video of the day

The device shown in today’s film, which was released on the market last year, was edited in Asia to make spring rolls easier, but it seems that our pancakes could...

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Cider apple – Video of the day

Harvesting and processing – a joy to watch!...

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Glamorous cake (or ice cream) decorating – Video of the day

On the net, we found a charming cake decoration that can be made even at the absolute beginner’s level....

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Flame Knight Tractor Riders – Video of the Day

Advanced biological weed control....

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The foundation of the cocktail experience – Video of the day

The most incredibly spectacular elements of trendy cocktail making, the giant ice ball and the smoking in our film today, are downright impressive, we would drink anything with such garnishes...

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It’s also an avocado! – Video of the day

If it wasn’t hanging on a tree, we’d think it was a pumpkin, but we’d even believe a cucumber first. But avocado! In which the proportion of pulp compared to...

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Corn Popping in 1250x Slow Motion – Video of the Day

The spectacular shot was taken with a Phantom v2512 ultra-fast camera:...

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Pineapple Dance – Video of the Day

The pineapple harvesting team seen in today’s video looks very familiar and routine – watching them is an experience like the harvesters swinging their scythes at once in old movies....

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Capsule tortilla – Video of the day

A kapszula-forradalom idején, jó tíz éve egy vállalkozás megalkotta a tortillakészítő gépet, a Flatevet, ami kényelmessé tette a legkedveltebb laposkenyérfajta gyors előállítását. Először csak hagyományos tortillát készítettek vele, később ízesítetteket,...

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The hippest banana ever – Video of the day

Nana Splits, the banana star and friends music video: food porn and teeth-grinding bass – don’t think, just enjoy!...

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Roots – Video of the Day

Amazing agricultural technology for growing potatoes: I wish Grandma, who bent over and dug potatoes out of the ground at the end of summer, could see them!  ...

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The common roots of pottery and confectionery – Video of the day

Looking at today’s video, it seems that it would be worthwhile to teach discus in pastry schools....

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About life’s big questions in kitchen language – Video of the day

Director Albert Arellano gives the answers to the big questions. His movie is called Fast Food Romance....

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Döner razor – Video of the day

Because in the 21st century, you need a special tool for everything in the kitchen…...

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