Trademagazin > News and articles > Market News > The Sodexo trial ended quietly, Hungary was very lucky
The Sodexo trial ended quietly, Hungary was very lucky
Back in 2012, the Hungarian state made it impossible for French cafeteria companies to use only the Szép card and the Erzsébet voucher, which is why the huge lawsuit initiated by the companies dragged on for ten years. The government hid how much of the fine he had to pay.
A company report revealed that the lawsuits brought against the Hungarian state ten years ago by three French cafeteria companies, after the use of vouchers from Edenred, Sodexo and Le Chèque Déjeuner was legally impossible in Hungary, noted the Telex. In the case, the three French companies demanded approximately HUF 70 billion from the state. Hungary was forced to pay Edenred, and settled out of court with two companies (Sodexo, Groupe Up). The agreement was reported by Sodexo, so since the Hungarian state did not communicate the failure, there is no information about the agreement previously concluded with Groupe Upp called Le Chèque Déjeuner. Telex writes: the Hungarian state finally paid compensation in the amount of 33.5 million euros (13.3 billion forints) to Sodexo Pass, according to the company’s report, and thus the case was closed. Previously, the state paid HUF 7 billion to Edenred.
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