Bakers keep on baking II.
The increase in the price of baked goods resulted in stronger competition and created a situation for market players where they can operate profitably. Product structure is slowly but steadily changing in right direction. As for consumers, they are receptive to new products but the majority of sales is still realised by standard products. Dr Zoltán Tóth, managing director of Lipóti Bakery told our magazine that in the years of recession new bakeries appeared in the market, offering baked goods in various qualities. In Hungary the average sales price of fine baked goods is below 1 euro, while in Western Europe it is more than 2 euros. Lipóti’s product selection consists of as many goods as any bakery west of Hungary, they even sell gluten-free and low carbohydrate products. Pek-Snack Kft.’s managing director János Galántai opined that bakeries must keep coming out with new products, but the bulk of turnover still comes from classis shapes and tastes as only really creative new baked goods can conquer customers’ heart. He called our attention to the growing number of in-store bakeries in discount stores and to the many new players in the market of small, quick-service exhibition bakeries.
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